Top one returns False, bottom one returns True, (Fan is OFF). I assume because there is no attribute “sensor_state”. Only attributes I have in my switches are friendly_name and icon
Also, don’t think you can have capitals in entity_ids ?
Does anyone else have issues with Locative since 0.94 ? I’ve followed the instructions and setup my 3 persons with their unique device_trackers under each person, removed the config in the known_devices since no longer relevant. Each phone seems to report the location correctly back to HA but my issue is that when any of the 3 devices changes location, the other 2 devices get set to be in the same location, when they aren’t actually… very weird.
I was using HASSIO 0.92 before update.
After loading 0.94.3 my cometblue (bluetooth) radiator thermostats failed to load with ‘Entity not available’ displayed on Overview/ Home. Same on 0.94.1 but worked OK on 0.93.
The home-assistant.log had the following error " ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘bluepy’ "
yada75 has a workaround here bluepy install which resolve issue for me.
The full discussion of issue here
Well TP-Link component has been changed in 94.4, one of my TP-Link bulbs has disappeared also but the other 2 which are the same model are working fine.
Seems we are behind on the 0.95 release, any eta? Love HA and have not looked back after moving from Smartthings. Always excited for the new release / features…