(Glenn C Bealmer)
July 22, 2019, 9:10pm
The 2 things are unrelated.
Since the release of 0,96, you must go to the profile page and enable Advanced features before the CHECK CONFIGURATION button is available.

It’s time for Home Assistant 0.96. It’s a great release, but we also made some changes, so please pay attention.
Last release that supports Python 3.5
This will be the last release that supports Python 3.5. Home Assistant 0.97 will require at least Python 3.6. If you are using or Docker, you will not have to do anything. If you are running Hassbian, upgrade instructions are here . If you run Home Assistant inside a virtual environment, pl…
A previous release added the option to allow an editor to manage default configuration options . Since you already had a configuration.yaml file with entries for these options, the editor is disabled.

It is time for the 0.94 release and there is some seriously good stuff in this release. We’re working hard on polishing everything and getting ready for the big Home Assistant 1.0 release. And we’re getting closer. So close actually, that this is the first release that can be installed and configured without touching a text editor! Onboard, configure integrations, manage automations and scripts all from the UI.
This milestone has been achieved …