2-way Audio w/ Reolink PoE Doorbell

This is what I had to setup my go2rtc streams as to get audio out of my doorbell using Frigate:

  - "ffmpeg:rtsp://user:[email protected]/h265Preview_01_main#video=h264#audio=copy#audio=opus"
  - "ffmpeg:rtsp://user:[email protected]/h264Preview_01_main#video=h264#audio=copy#audio=opus"

This seemed to work as http+flv had stopped a few weeks back.

Thanks, that format at least got 1-way audio working, I can receive audio from the doorbell to my phone. But the other way still isn’t working, the doorbell will not play any audio unless I use the Reolink app. FYI this is what I have in my webrtc card

type: custom:webrtc-camera
ui: true
muted: false

  • url: reolink_doorbell
    mode: webrtc
    media: video,audio
    name: :mute:
  • url: reolink_doorbell
    mode: webrtc
    media: video,audio,microphone
    name: :speaker:

Same issue here - I get audio from doorbell no problem - but the other way around… No chance. Anyone got it working finally?


I have managed to get “microphone icon” visible in frigate card. But still no audio coming out of the camera/doorbell.

I have downgraded my firmware to v3.0.0.2033 as per suggestion in here:
Config help for Reolink doorbell (Frigate + HA integration at the same time) · blakeblackshear/frigate · Discussion #7791 · GitHub and [Camera Support]: Troubleshooting 2-way audio with Reolink Doorbell · blakeblackshear/frigate · Discussion #10619 · GitHub . Config taken from the second one.

I’ve found firmware here:

It’s working with webrtc card:

type: custom:webrtc-camera
url: doorbell
media: video,audio,microphone


Now it’s also working with frigate card :smiley:

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worked for me too

Did you do anything to fix this? I am using frigate card. I have downgraded but am running into the issue of still not passing audio from my mic on my phone or pc to the doorbell. It works doesn’t explain how, do you mind elaborating please?

Which is better to use Frigate or WebRTC card? I have only 1 camera to stream (doorbell), so I’m guessing the latter is better suited for me?

if you just care about live view then both are similar. The frigate card offers more features when it comes to historical views of activity and recordings

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This has been driving me crazy. So far I have not been able to get a camera stream to display properly. I am getting a message that says “No frames have been received, check error logs”.

ERROR : reolink: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process.

I was looking at this YouTube clip and based my config on it. https://youtu.be/upXyBVMR4RM?si=3ffDPE7giv6WHaT1

Can someone post their working config file? If anyone knows of another YouTube clip that may help, please let me know.

Tried that and audio works fine, slight delay, but can’t get any mic button to show up?

Copy/pasting my comment from the GitHub issue here for visibility:

Hi All, using the latest version (1.9.2) of go2rtc, I have managed to use the 2 way talk functionality in QuantumEntangledAndy/neolink with the exec source in go2rtc. Instead of approx 3 seconds, my 2 way audio delay is close to the reolink app now.

Here is the script I’m using (neolink_talk.sh):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

ffmpeg -fflags nobuffer -f alaw -ar 8000 -i - -f wav - | ./neolink talk Doorbell -c config.toml --volume=1.0 -m -i "fdsrc fd=0"


  - ffmpeg:http://doorbell_ip/flv?port=1935&app=bcs&stream=channel0_sub.bcs&user=admin&password=PASS#video=copy#audio=opus
  - exec:/config/neolink/neolink_talk.sh#backchannel=1

I’m using it now with frigate, but that involves installing gstreamer, etc into the docker container, as well as using the latest go2rtc instead of the included v1.8.4. An easier way to test is using Alex’s WebRTC card/integration and setting media: video,audio,microphone.

The ffmpeg pipe into neolink is faster than using fdsrc fd=0 ! audio/x-alaw,rate=8000,channels=1 in the neolink command from my testing. I’m sure there is a gstreamer pipeline option which will make it just as fast, but I don’t know what it is. Please tell me everything wrong with the command above and help make it better :slight_smile:

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Warning to anyone reading this thread now: I have attempted the firmware rollback twice now, and it bricked both cameras. New cameras might not be compatible.

I figured this might be the case. I just bought a white doorbell and noticed the hardware id and firmware it has is just slightly different from what I’ve been seeing. I am also still running into issue with using the Mic through the Frigate card.


Please note that this is the first time for me posting on the HA community page and the second time on a Github like site. Excuse me if I’m not aware of any rules.

I just bought a Reolink doorbell. (PoE White version) with the latest firmware.
At first it did’nt work, however I did read your comments and checked if other may have the same issues.

I’ve found the following github thread: https://github.com/koush/scrypted/discussions/1115 and got it working again with the firmware posted there and the following code:

Firmware PoE Only!


Go2RTC config

    - "ffmpeg:"
    - rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_01_sub

Custom card

type: custom:webrtc-camera
  - url: camera.reolink_doorbell
    mode: webrtc
    media: video,audio,microphone

Please note as state above, when using the custom card, the mic is always on when the card is presented and auto reply messages over REST commands does not work with this FW, but using the HA intergration it still does.

Hope this can help any of you, currently having issues with the two way audio and latest fw. I’m sure this will also be of help for you that are using Frigate.



Here’s a link support sent me for my black wifi v2 model that got 2 way audio working in Frigate if anyone wants it

Reolink released new firmware publicly with the two way audio and some other fixes

v3.0.0.3308_2407315183 fixed auto reply messages over REST commands for me.


Could you paste a working frigate and hA card config please?
I keep seeing people mix between onvif HTTP, flv and rtsp

Thanks in advance

Only Onvif/RTSP support two way audio in go2rtc.

ONVIF is the standard and RTSP is the protocol. Http/FLV are the same stream and doesn’t support two way audio in go2rtc.

When you see other using the flv stream they also have the RTSP sub stream for just the mic.

Frigate docs mentions this

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This is the config that works for me
Frigate config:

        - path: rtsp://
          input_args: preset-rtsp-restream-low-latency
            - record
        - path: rtsp://
          input_args: preset-rtsp-restream-low-latency
            - detect
            - audio

Go2RTC config:

      - ffmpeg:front_door_camera#audio=opus#hardware
      - ffmpeg:front_door_camera_sub#audio=opus#hardware
         - stun:8555

Frigate card:

    type: custom:frigate-card
      - camera_entity: camera.front_door_camera
        live_provider: go2rtc
            - webrtc
          stream: front_door_camera
          enabled: true
          type: toggle

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Are you experiencing any delay?

From my computer and the HA companion app, I’m noticing a 3-second delay when I speak into my microphone to my doorbell. The sound from my doorbell is good with no delay.

Do you have any idea how I can solve this?