2021.10.0: Z-Wave S2 support, Tuya, secure ESPHome and 400 new icons

it is not local anymore

i said, you can use the old tuya folder and load it as custom

Yes you can do that but someone has already done it. It’s in hacs

was the previous tuyav1 release local control? i thought only localtuya was really local

Ok i will give it a try again with hacs. thank you

No clue, don’t have tuya. From what I understand about the situation is that tuya is removing the old api and adding a new one that doesn’t have local control currently. But I could be wrong.

The old had a classification of cloud_poll, the new have cloud_push

Glad to see the Kasa-python integration now and that thee devices are getting love. However, any lights that are part of a dimmer HS2xx don’t turn on anymore with the light_on nor through scenes for example. They need to be turned on manually then they’ll adjust brightness to a scene. i had to roll back as well.

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Mine did this too. Its an easy fix though. Just remove the ones without the ‘_2’ (duplicates from the old integration) and then in the entities, you can rename the “_2” to the original by removing the _2. I still had to roll back but I was able to fix this in a few minutes for 26 devices.

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So what @deveylder said , was not correct, it was also cloud before

Direct after update… what’s this about?

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor.recorder
Source: components/sensor/recorder.py:324
Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 14:35:10 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:35:10

Entity sensor.relay_2_energy_4 from integration esphome has state class total_increasing, but its state is negative. Please create a bug report at https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22integration%3A+esphome%22

only the localtuya integration provided local control no other past or present tuya integration did

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I’m getting the same message when entering the encryption key.

I just re-added one of my zwave nodes to test. The wizard showed that my device supports both S0 and S2. When I added it, all seems okay. But is there any way to see that it is actually using S2 in favor of S0? It just says “Secure: Yes”

Yes - Over 3k errors so far!

I updated HA to the latest version and I configured Tuya with its Tuya IoT Platform. I have 2 Thermostats linked through the SmartLife App which shows this (On Tuya IoT Platform and on HA). Obviously I don’t have 3°C at Home. Moreover, I cannot switch on/off from HA (I don’t know from Tuya Iot Platform), whilst it’s perfectly working from SmartLife.


Translated they lied to us.

just searched for my statistics (integration) sensors in the Statistics tab and lovelace statistics-graph card…
only to find:

and Statistics - Home Assistant doesnt say we can set the appropriate device_class or state_class…

Happening with all tuya devices in home assistant.

With the entity card you can get it to turn off by clicking it off and then doing so again before it can flip back to on. The device will go off but still show as on in HA .
Seems the reporting and on screen control are broken in this version although they did get the light bulb colours correct lol.

Otherwise node-red and routines seem to function normally.

I would expect a very quick update to address this rather large bug as it breaks too much .

So, my TP-Link devices would regularly become unavailable (just one or two here and there) requiring me to reload the integration. There does not seem to be a way to do that now. How do we get a device reloaded if/when it drops?

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