2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

Which Shelly integration? The built in (core) one or shelly4hass?

The built in (core)

I had this too, immediately after upgrading on two of my five Shelly devices. Iā€™m using the core integration. When I work up this morning, they were all working perfectly again (no changes from me).

Try reloading the integration (three dots icon).

Same here.
The MIIO integration partially works.
I have illuminance working, alarm entity unavailable and no light entity at all.
I have a lumi.gateway.v3 gateway.
I tried to remove and add it again. No luck


After updating the Vallox integration is broken.

Also I donā€™t understand the changelog ā€œEntities provided by the Vallox integration now have unique IDs and can be adjusted from the UIā€ - there is no ā€œValloxā€ in the UI integrations.

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have the same error, unable to reload HA due to this error

Iā€™m there - just donā€™t think most users are. If I must say - itā€™s also a crap attitude to take with the community considering new releases are announced here and this is where the feedback on those releases starts. Directing people over to git is great but Iā€™d suggest the release notes should probably link to the existing feature or bug fix to aid in and expedite the resolution of reported issues / concerns.

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Can someone please share the default config to get a button working - there is no default config listed on the Button page.

Iā€™ve tried this, and a couple of variations adding device class and so on. None work and throw errors when I try to reboot.

Iā€™m sure Iā€™m missing something simple.


  name: Garage Door

Releases are announced on the website and are cross post on the forums, they are not announced on the forums. The actual blog on the website has everything youā€™re suggesting. Links to every breaking change, links to the issues page, and links to each pr. All on GitHub.


Release is on website and links right here to this forum thread. Your point is null and void. The actual blog does not have links to the githib for new features, it does have it for fixes.

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Scroll down a bit, itā€™s the issue tracker linked in the need help section prior to breaking changes.

  • WLED devices can now be restarted and upgraded from Home Assistant.

This is a nice add, canā€™t wait to try it out.

Iā€™m obviously blind as a bat - still canā€™t find it but apologies if itā€™s in there somewhere.

I believe itā€™s currently limited to the following integrations:

For this release, MQTT & KNX added support for providing buttons. The Shelly, WLED, Elgato, Litter-Robot, TOLO Sauna, Tuya, Renault, and NAM integrations have added button entities.

Based on that statement, KNX and MQTT Button appear to be the only integrations that permit you to define a button (at this point in time).

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OK, that makes sense. I obviously misunderstood the OP. I assumed it was a new input_boolean type entity that could be used generically.

To be honest, I was under the same impression ā€¦ but failed to find anything to support that notion.

Itā€™s like the recently added number and select integrations. Theyā€™re defined via MQTT or Template integrations.

I donā€™t think the template integration / platform will work for buttons. They donā€™t have states they only generate events. A generic button would have to be something along the lines of a template switch (a service call list for the on action), without the value_template.

great release as usual, only one thing I found issue with that wasnā€™t listed in the breaking changes. My live camera notifications no longer display the thumbnail correctly. They display an error message now. When I open the notification the live stream works as expected, just the thumbnail is broken. This code worked perfectly on 2021.11.x and before.

  message: There is motion at the deck door
  title: Motion on the deck
    entity_id: camera.backyard_camera
      thread-id: deck-notify
      - action: MOTION_ON_THE_DECK_SNOOZE_30_MIN
        title: 'Snooze Notifications: 30 Minutes'
        title: 'Snooze Notifications: 1 Hour'
service: notify.mobile_app_brians_iphone

There were 7 betas, someone could have tested.

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