2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

in that case, what does this mean? “In case you used this to change how, for example, a cover or door contact entity is shown, you can now change that by editing the entity in the UI.” See? Unclear.

One example: my door sensor was customized via the old Customization UI to act like a window sensor. The documentation tells me " additionally we have added the capability, to adjust the common device_class changes using the “Show as” feature while editing the entity from UI." but I definitely don’t see a way to do that. Not in the very entity’s UI nor Entities settings panel.

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Yeah, a bit confusing.

Is this referring to the ability to use the icon chooser?

Yeah, I kind of agree with this.

It would be nice if all the configuration sections were cards, and we could just make our own configuration dashboard :wink:


Yeah for benefit of others: install the master version from hacs.

Hacs, integrations, click the overflow menu for webrtc, redownload, choose master version.


One more UI change - I have no polite words for this:

Now to change some entity I always need to expand this!!!
And of course the “expand/collapse” state is not memorized locally.

This is not a progress.
This is a changing UI for changing UI.


If you have no polite words then don’t post.


Anyone else having problems with the ShellyforHASS integration?
I get this:

Component error: shelly - cannot import name get_local_ip
from homeassistant.util’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/util/init.py)

This prevents me from even restarting HA.


After updating my shellys didn’t work anymore, it couldn’t load the integration and it was no possible to delete it.

So I had to restore the old version.

@AndyBman, yep.

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Thanks for the update, smooth as always!

Same issue! All my 40+ shellys stopped working! restore worked smooth.

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I have no idea, probably not.

You should move to the core Shelly integration, which works perfectly, or raise an issue with the developer of the 3rd party integration, ShellyforHASS.


That’s harsh…


How is the Lovelace area card installed?

It is installed in the core distribution. You add it to your dashboard the same way as any other card.

How do I move to the core Shelly integration?

When I click to add a dashboard, it asks for a URL. What is the URL to the card?

I guess I’m not understanding how to add the card. Also, when I go into configuration mode and select “Add Card” there is not an Area card available to select.

Remove ShellyForHASS then…

It’s a card not a dashboard.

Though there is a page under Configuration. Is that what you mean?

Is it really? The original message is the kind of inappropriate toxic response that should not be tolerated. This is a team effort and there are much politer ways to provide feedback. Imagine you’ve worked on something for a month and what you get back is a message that states: you’ve not improved things, you’ve changed things for no reason, you’ve now made life harder for someone, and throw in some triple exclamation marks. Yes, I know the pandemic has strained all of us, many are struggling, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t respect one another. File a bug report or a suggestion; keep this kind of negativity out of what should be a positive blog post and a celebration of hard work. Thank you to everyone that worked hard on this release. :heart: