2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

I can confirm this same behaviour on add-on updates.

Hue transition is working again with 12.2, thanks for fixing @marcelveldt

And sorry for posting at Github, didn’t know that I’m not supposed to post there. Haha.

And something other positive, I rather like the new configuration menu.

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Hue long flash is working again, Marcel implemented the breath functionality, and even my ‘old’ scripts work now without any editing:

    alias: Flash lights in color
    mode: restart
    icon: mdi:alarm-light
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.alarm # Hue Zone Alarm
          color_name: >
      - repeat:
            service: script.lights_flash_on_color
            condition: state
            entity_id: input_boolean.flash_color
            state: 'off'

    mode: restart
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.alarm
          color_name: >
          flash: long
      - delay:
          seconds: 15

    alias: Stop Flash lights in color
    mode: restart
    icon: mdi:alarm-light-outline
      - service: script.turn_off
          - script.lights_flash_color
          - script.lights_flash_on_color
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.alarm
          profile: relax
      - service: light.turn_off
        entity_id: light.alarm
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pychromecast changes in 12.2 appear to break my media player. I can cast audio to my chrome device but not control it (pause, stop, etc) using the standard media player in Lovelace. Reversion to 12.1 restored full fuctionality. Anyone else having this?

Fixed in 2021.12.4. I tried to understand what fixed the problem but failed. Well done by the maintainers!

What happened to 2021.12.2 update? did it get pulled back?
My system was telling me that the Newest version was 2021.12.2 but was not offering the update link yet (rolling release?)
But now, after a restart, it’s not even showing the newest to be available, and I know there docker images are there.
What is going on?

All good on my instance. I literally just updated from 2021.12.1 to 2021.12.2 a few minutes ago.

There is always

ha core update --version 2021.12.2
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It’s weird, I just restarted Home Assistant, and now it showing that my supervisor is already on the latest but not the core.

I will try to update through terminal

Refreshing the browser cache should be enough.

Thanks good to know.

This worked, thanks

Maybe I’m misreading this, but in the broken changes it states:

The find_vehicle service will always send the location of your Home Assistant instance to BMW.

Should it not be the reverse?


Same here. I reached out to the dev on this but no response. BUMP him again a day later, still no response.

Same here. Just noticed the lights toggle in HA is off as to what the actual state is. I’ve tried to reload the Hue Integration a few times. It works for a bit then off sync. Going back to 12.0 for the mean time.

Anyone got an idea as to why my area card buttons aren’t functioning? I get the following error on all buttons, in evey area:


What version of WebRTC Camera are you using? Mine is now 2.2.0 and works perfectly.

Where is the issue? I cannot see it.

After upgrading HA core to 2021.12.2 HUE light toggles and sensors don’t work anymore. After going back to 2021.12.1 everything works again.

Since updating to version 2012.12.2, I have some problems;

My Hue lamps do not correctly present their state anymore. Some are on in HA, but are actually off and vice versa. Switching them from the HA app, sometimes switches the lights on/off, sometimes not. From the Hue app and the switches around the house all works fine.

UI (SOLVED, clearing browser cache)
when editing Lovelace, texts are missing. For example when I want to edit, I press the 3 dots in the upper right corner, then there is no text, only the icons. Also when in edit mode, pressing the 3 dots of a card, only an empty white box appears.


For the second problem, clear your browser cache.

For all those having issue with hue, there were issues in 2021.12 that were partially fixed in the .2 update, however I believe a timing issue was introduced and has since been reported and fixed that causes entities to go out of sync.

Thanks to the great work of @marcelveldt i believe all these issues have been dealt with and will be rectified in the upcoming .3 release.

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