2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

I know where they are at… That’s why I said I probably won’t have any trouble with it. I am saying the UI is great for starter tinkerers to play around with. You get a preview of the icon you pick. Dealing with yaml was a pain until you learn the formatting. Is that the HA you want first time users to experience? If so I got nothing else to say.

@CaptTom What is this “larger plan”?

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May be irrelevant for some cases, but just wan’t to say, I’m running a whole house installation, 30 lights, 10 multisensors, 25 switches, automated hot tub, automated heating, 6 media players and who knows, what more. 1226 entities total.

My customize.yaml… …is non existant :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Nice!, but certain things like power monitoring doesn’t work without it. Especially if you cheaped out on the switches.

Yup, tried and I get,


The release notes are correct. See the Warning under the Vehicle Finder section here:

It appears that sending your (phone, or in this case Home Assistant’s) location to BMW ConnectedDrive is now a requirement in order to return the vehicles location, following the recent changes that BMW made to the API that broke the integration a couple of months ago (now fixed in this release).

I’d expect things like door sensors to be customized as a window sensor. The removed Customization UI made this possible but it’s simply not available in the entity UI. The only way is YAML now. That’s a regression.


Is it just me or is there no link to the core updates nor release notes in the HA panel now?

if there are any, they appear here:

That works, but it would be nice if they were still in the actual panel as well. Thanks.

Hello everyone, since 2021.12.2 , hue integration is not giving the right state of lights anymore.

Light turn ON by hue bridge via hue motion sensor
Light reported as ON on lovelace
Click on lovelace to put OFF light → light go OFF (via ha → hue) but it’s kept at ON state on the lovelace.

Seems HUE API V2 event is not captured after the lovelace action

Do you experience the same ?

I experience the same issue since 2021.12.2.

State icons for Hue lights are not updated in Lovelace after action (in HA or with Hue app)

Not the same for me, in hue app, the light goes off but HA is not updated.

Yes I think we have the same issue : the root cause is related to a state icon refresh problem (and to detect the Hue device state transitions) : I can switch on a Hue light in HA by clicking on its state icon in Lovelace. The light is properly switched on but the state icon remains “Off” in Lovelace (it is not updated).

In order to switch off the light (as the state icon is “Off” while the light is “On”), I need to long press the state icon to get the detailed card with the switch.

I rollback to 2021.12.1.
Hue integration is working better than 2021.12.2 (without flash function as it removed from philips API V2)
Also now, the switch entity motion and illuminance are now ok. This was NOK in 2021.12.2 where I observed a desync or even the switch state was moving by HA hitself.

Same problem

The bug has been reported for the Hue integration errors, it just be fixed in the coming release : Philips Hue integration not properly reporting light states (continuation of #61819)

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Same for automations. Why is it not allowed to edit the code via UI? No need for visual editor, but the bare code via code editor? Why not?

You can already edit the automation YAML from within the UI! Open the automation and use the three dot menu => “Edit in YAML”.

No, you cannot. Only if you create the automation via the UI.
If you created an automation or customization or any other yaml file manually as a yaml file, it is excluded from UI editing.

This makes no sense to me as the file has been identified and HA has clearly found all the code it needs. So why force people to use VSC instead of the UI? Especially since VSC is an absolute pain to use on mobile devices.

You’re not ‘forced’ to use VSC. For instance, I primarily use BBEdit on a Mac, have used multiple editors on Windows, and even the nano editor from a Linux terminal on many occasions.

You can also create automations directly in the automations.yaml file and then open and edit them in the Automations Visual editor (and/or in the yaml mode of the UI). There is the restriction of them needing to be only in the automations.yaml file (not in any other included yaml files) AND they must have a unique ID associated with them. These, I believe, may both be limitations of the loading, parsing, and saving YAML library they use.

I could also write them on a typewriter, scan them, run text recognition and then upload them to a cloud and link my HA setup to that cloud.

Does not mean that it would not be faaaar more elegant to simply be able to edit user created yaml files via the UI.
And a lot of people, including myself, would love to simply be able to make a quick change or fix to a yaml file from our mobile phones via the companion app. And this is quite a pain right now but would be solved if the UI permitted editing.