2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

Anyone else seeing these Visual Editor warnings in the Automations UI?

This screenshot is from an automation I created via the UI earlier this week on HA 2021.11. This warning now appears above the Triggers in said Automation when I attempt to edit the Automation in 2021.12.

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Sorry for being dumb, but for the WLED preset entity what service call is supposed to be used?

Remove milliseconds: 0 and it should work again. We’ll fix the check


Awesome update! Would love to see a simple way of restricting actions to local network only (either local only users or normal user via local network) in the future.

Thank you, sir! That did the trick!

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According to this WLED - Home Assistant it is a select entity, so presumably select.select_option

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I have an example of using the select service here: Wled Random effects - #36 by tom_l

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The HACS update fixes WebRTC but unfortunately I think hwaccel is broken from the HA update - at least on my Raspberry Pi 4B. WebRTC all is good but in Frigate itself it’s now just a green screen for both cameras =/ disabling hwaccel makes it appear normal but drains far more CPU

Thanks! I got it all working now.

I enabled Beta, and installed 0.3.1 beta 3, and it now works.
[I did not want to have to redo all the automations and GUI elements for a different integration]

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Mine will not complete validation.

Nice release !

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Other then needing to reboot the Host machine due to the reboot function in HA not working and throwing an error, the update went smoothly.

Thoroughly agree with you @francisp. Aside from a small and easily solved problem with WebRTC it has been great.

Did anyone try the new button domain, by exposing it to google? How does it look like? Does it still look like a switch? Also, how to use it in Google, also with the words turn on?

can only log in from the local netwerk

That is a new feature per user I want to use. But I am reluctant.

Because, what is a local network? I have 6 IP subnets separated by a router (firewall) of which 1 is HA in and other has devices with accounts (users) I want to limit. I think (but hope not) this is referring to local IP subnet. Correct? Or…?

The release notes state:
This new feature allows you to make users that are only allowed to log in from the local network and not from the internet or cloud.

That “could” mean local is seen as RFC1918 IP address space? Please confirm :slight_smile:


I have the same symptoms @sender describes. And also cannot complete validation for the Alexa Media custom integration. I will try removing the Alexa Media custom integration and go from there, but would love to get it working (that’s why I upgraded HA right away today… got some more troubleshooting to do).

Install the latest beta of AMP; it addresses this.

Update to the beta of alexa and reboot your host

Just noticed that my Hue zones are not working anymore. I see that all the scenes from hue are now entities but the zones are not working anymore.

I was switching them off through the “light turn off” service. With a zone name “light.downstairs”. Within Hue the zone was named “Downstairs”.