2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

doesn’t seem to be themable, but i’ve only put 5 seconds into looking

Yes, checked this as well. It is not time critical. I saw that it is set fixed.I asked in parallel in the new release thread. Perhaps someone has already figured out. As a lot of users are now playing around the styling because of the new framework.

@Nir Have you solved the Rainbird integration problems? Seeing as is winter, I verufy only today that the switches aren’t any more available on HA (2022.03), but I don’t know when the problem started. Can you give me any help? Thanks!

sorry, wrong thread

I initially installed a custom rain bird integration which can be found here: https://github.com/konikvranik/hacs_rainbird.

However, after a recent update (one of the 2022.2 updates I think) the custom integration stopped loading, giving me an error about pyrainbird. I understand that this is a known issue. As such, I went back to the built in integration, which is now working! I am not sure why it is not working on your 2022.3 installation. Work in progress.

Thank you so much! I reset the rainbird station from the app, and did the whole procedure again. Now it works! Thanks a lot!