With the changes to light profiles and default turn on values, is it possible to set a default color temperature now? Tired of cool white instead of warm white being the default
Since the update I am now getting “ You are running an unsupported installation.” related to Network Manager. Running supervised on a Pi4
Agreed. Served no use at all. maybe only in the beginning: as a HA newbie it was great to see the equipment appear as badges, but that was before we had integrations. Now you can see your hardware in there.
Wel, HA is helping you already…
I would suggest to click the link saying “Network Manager”. See what it comes up with.
Those are just deprecation warnings and can be ignored, unless you’re the package maintainer. The people maintaining those packages will need to do what is needed to fix that before HA moves to 3.9. Since you’re running in Docker, you’ve got the proper version of Python already, it’s part of the Docker image.
Catastrophe! I upgraded from 2021.1.5 to 2021.2.0.
My old zwave worked very well in 2021.1.5, now it looks like it doesn’t even start.
Lots of devices (100+) are missing. Restart/reboot doesn’t help.
Is this done to force me to migrate to zwavejs? I will, but I wasn’t planning to do it just yet.
Help, please?
There were no changes to the zwave
component between 2021.1 and 2021.2. It should still work as it did before. Did your usb stick path change perhaps?
I didn’t reboot the host (intel nuc, Debian 10), so I guess not. I have restarted the host later. It didn’t make a difference.
It just gives you a link to Network Manager. Nothing to explain what is wrong with it. I restarted (NM) it but no change
It’s cleared now after restarting NM and Supervisor - phew
I’ll be holding off to upgrade at the moment.
I have 80+ Z-wave devices with the old implementation of Z-wave. It’s been working like expected and I was hesitated to go to OpenZwave (lucky, as now it’s also on the way out so it seems).
Now it’s ZwaveJS, sounds promising, but still so many things missing that it’s just not an alternative for me at the moment. And it isn’t clear yet how easy I will be able to migrate.
I know the old implementation isn’t gone yet but I hope it stays that way till ZwaveJS is a full alternative.
Thanks @w1ll1am23 for the updated Econet water heater integration! It is working great.
Help please, how to start the add-on with emulate_hardware option? It starts but gives an error in log:
[00:01:36] INFO: Successfully send discovery information to Home Assistant.
**Error: Got unexpected keys mock**
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
I just add this optional line in the add on config in supervisor.
wow, had a 100% error free update to 2021.2
a-ma-zing. so cool and all new functionality (as far as I can see though), never saw these clickable links in the more infos of the GitHub sensors
can now do away with a dedicated weblink view of all custom card repos and more I have in the system
Yes, it was. Development started the day after the news about OpenZwave. Which was Jan 1st IIRC.
Anyone else having problems with the AVM FRITZ!Box Call Monitor Integration after this update?
It seems like it needs to be configured now via the WebUI, but my currently used user doesn’t work anymore due to permission issues. It’s working when the user get’s full access to the Fritzbox settings. But why is now full access needed?
Also with full access it’s only working partially. The phonebook name lookup seems to be broken now, I’m always getting “unknown” for every known number…
@Mariusthvdb what is that you are showing there?
its a more-info on one of the GitHub sensors
automatically listed using:
- type: custom:auto-entities
type: entities
style: |
ha-card {
box-shadow: none;
margin: 0px 0px 0px -36px;
- group: group.github_repos_in_use
options: &github_options
action: more-info
action: navigate #url
navigation_path: /ui-settings/weblinks
# url_path: >
# {{state_attr(config.entity,'latest_release_url')}}
type: custom:template-entity-row
style: |
:host {
{% set id = config.entity.split('.')[1] %}
{% set repo = 'input_boolean.' + id %}
{{'gold' if is_state(repo,'on') else 'green'}}
state: >
{% if states(config.entity) is not none %}
{% if state_attr(config.entity,'latest_release_tag') %}
{% else %} {{states(config.entity)}}
{% endif %}
{% else %} Unknown
{% endif %}
secondary: >
{% if states(config.entity) == 'unavailable' %} Unavailable
{% elif states(config.entity) is not none %}
{% else %} Unknown
{% endif %}
method: name
Flood sensor and smoke sensor dont show when they trigger
Just wanted to express my thanks to the developers of the ZWaveJS integration. Have just moved over from open zwave and it was soo pain free. I think ill enjoy zwave again!
Could someone please tell me how to downgrade HA Core from 2021.2 to 2021.1.5? I’m on a nuc, debian 10, supervised.
I need to do this until I find out what went wrong with my old zwave.