2021.4: For our advanced users ❤️

Me too, so switched to stable version for now and that works fine, just don’t edit and upload any devices with the dev firmware loaded with the “older” version if you are using any features from the dev version

@starkillerOG Xiaomi Fan dmaker.fan.1c missing for new config flow. Error given is: " The device model is not known, not able to setup the device using config flow. "

I had the custom component with that fan and a zhimi.fan.sa1and both working. The zhimi.fan.sa1 still works ( list as the zhimi.airpurifier.sa1in the config set up???)

How do we add the dmaker.fa.1c and other similar Xiaomi dmaker fans?

Just one question. What is average, or obvious waiting time for a the database migration? On RPi-3 with 7 days history I am already waiting 75 minutes :fearful: Is it normal?

on a pi3? sounds normal, the db iops are quite low

there is already an open report

For now I think a conscious choice, since HA cannot control the custom integration names and someone could abuse it by creating custom integrations with offensive names that would then end up on the public analytics page. Depending on what it says, it could have quite the negative impact.


Well, it has been more than 14 hours now still no home-assistant… what shall i do? i have my DB on my nas:

  db_url: !secret db_url_mdb10
  purge_keep_days: 365

I see there is a migration wizard available, great job, thnx!

Running complex realtime software on a RPi 3 isn’t going to work well in the long term, particularly as the size of the database increases. This is one of those times when it becomes very apparent.
The cost of the software is zero, though I pay for NabuCasa voluntarily and am happy to pay more , so the only cost is hardware. Without enough power for the brains, you are doing yourself a disfavour.


Yes, that is an option, but not so neat… I think running a dev of esphome also is going to require a dev of home assistant?

this is the reason:

esphome requires Python '>=3.7,<4.0' but the running Python is 3.6.9

Is that going to be “updated” anything quick?

Maybe worth incorporating the Companion App tracking as well? I know HA does some thinking about which tracker to believe, although that is typically between static and GPS trackers, so it might not resolve your problem but could be worth a shot.

Either way, you could see which one gives you more consistent results and stick with that :man_shrugging:t2:

My light.turn on service has gone since I installed the latest version :frowning:

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.lights_lounge_dark_no_motion_07_00_sunset
Source: components/automation/init.py:504
Integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:59:04 AM (248 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:03:13 AM

Error while executing automation automation.lights_lounge_dark_no_motion_07_00_sunset: Unable to find service light.turn_on

anyone have problems with broadlink after 2021.4? all of them stopped working and this is in the logs

Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration broadlink: cannot import name ‘NetworkTimeoutError’ from ‘broadlink.exceptions’ (/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/broadlink/exceptions.py)

downgrading to 2021.3.4 makes broadlink work again

well of course I have done all that, and have these trackers too. Thanks for your input though. I even have the Person tracker using these individual trackers, and Phil’s composite tracker, but all of these seem to suffer from this ‘new’ behavior.

I do noticed a few updates from Life360 lately, and the renewed App. Maybe something behind the lines is happening there.

My tracking system has been functioning perfectly for the last couple of years… this is really annoying.

After upgrading, I got a delay of Tado, it takes several minutes before hass got the info from Tado.
I tested it with the tado app, changed the temperature, it took 5 minutes and then hass updated the info.
Am I the only one who has this issue? Before the update of 2021.4, it was immediatly. Now I’m running 2021.4.1… Changing from HA to tado is immediatly.


  • Change tado temp from HA to Tado: Immediatly
  • Change tado temp from Tado to HA: A long delay

This problem can be neutralized by supporting only some custom integrations, e.g. these that are added in home-assistant/wheels-custom-integrations or home-assistant/brands


thats not the case

HA already has a minimum supported minimum of 3.8
3.7 was dropped a couple of releases back.

i am running the latest HA container (2021.4.1) and just installed the latest dev release container of esphome without issue

After upgrading, can’t access anymore to media list from kodi (tv shows, movies, channels…)
Tried to restart HA, Kodi…
No success.
And other problem is the error during setup of component surepetcare.
My other instance of HA (not upgraded yet) as no problem…
Any suggestion ?

So why am I and other getting that error then?

A change was made in 2021.3 to increase the polling interval to five minutes - Increase tado API polling interval to 5 minutes by macrosak · Pull Request #46915 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

The release notes stated:

Polling interval of 15 seconds causes high load on Tado servers and does not provide enough value to warrant it. Tado plans to introduce a rate limit to prevent such misuse of the API, therefore the polling interval needs to be increased to make sure the integration works well in the future.