2021.4: For our advanced users ❤️

Searched for ‘value_json.tamper’ & ‘value_json.linkquality’ in ‘config’ directory & subdirs …

ONLY matches in

  • home-assistant.log;
  • various zigbee2mqtt log files.

Anyway IMHO would be nice to have warning/error message name of parent object (let say so) - quite useful information.

Pls point me - how to find input_boolean, which set up is too long ?

2021-04-13 18:18:54 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of input_boolean is taking over 10 seconds.

Then that’s where your template is, inside MQTT. So adjust the discovery template coming from zigbee2mqtt or write up an issue against zigbee2mqtt.

That’s all input_booleans. I.e. the input_boolean section.

1 Like

Got it. Is any way to find out - which exactly input_boolean(s) taking most a time ?

The whole section is, not sure how else to explain it to you. I’ts not 1 input boolean that’s causing the problem. Anyways, it’s a wrning, you can ignore it.

just experienced the new trigger based templates can not be configured in a package, hasn’t anyone else here noticed this? I can only validate the config when these are in the configuration.yaml.

Hey! For people who have problems with Xiaomi Air Purifiers after this upgrade, I have noticed two things:

  1. After importing into the UI on upgrade, fans had a different name, with suffix _2. I needed to rename (or remove) old ones and change names to original ones.
  2. It seems there is a problem with the AQI attribute (it’s null), so any automation that uses it will not work properly.

That seems to be what the docs say.

Well, I must ask you where you read that, because I don’t see any mentioning the trigger based template sensors can not be configured in a package. Frankly, it would be very surprising if it were the case, because anything else can be…

forgot to mention I filed an issue in this in the Core repo

There’s a section at the bottom that mentions this is only available at the root level and reloading doesn’t work

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What @petro quoted is what I was referring to.

O I see, yes, I missed that. Sorry.
Given the wording, I hope we can expect that to change in the near future. Otherwise we will have to overload our configuration.yaml in a heavy way…

Using packages has become such a default way of configuring HA, this really felt like a bug. Guess I didn’t realize special care needs to be taken to be able to configure things in packages.

Updated the Issue with this notion.

IMHO would be nice to add checkbox “Hide HA devices” (f.e.) to Devices list.
As for me - devices by integration “HA Supervisor” is a good addition, but see no value having them in list every time. Most of the time I have no use for them…

What is the point of a device list that hides devices?

I updated Dwains theme and I’m not using Lovelace Gen. but still have the same error message.
what would be the reason?

now this is an advanced one, and seeing this as of late (though not 100% positive it is since 2021.4…)

Logger: homeassistant
Source: /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/runner.py:95 
First occurred: 10:09:04 AM (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 10:09:04 AM

Error doing job: protocol.resume_writing() failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/transports.py", line 294, in _maybe_resume_protocol
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/sslproto.py", line 517, in resume_writing
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiohttp/base_protocol.py", line 31, in resume_writing
    assert self._paused

there is nothing really I can relate to this, nor in the logs close to it.

Would anyone have a clue what this could be?

would this be expected too:

I cant correlate the blank phase in the chart to a restart I did, or anything else really, the rest of my sensors show fine. Including the sensor this template is based on:

But most importantly, the state of the sensor didnt survive any of this apparently, while the graph does show the current value…

  - trigger:
      - platform: time
        at: '00:00:00'
      - name: Netwerk library usage daystart
        state: >
        unit_of_measurement: kWh

I’ve added all of these sensors to the recorder. Why would this gap exist, and how come the state is ‘Unknown’? This same behavior is shown on all of these trigger based template sensors.

no, its positive, these sensors dont survive a restart. which currently makes them useless for my goal here, recording daily power consumption/usage in a sensor.

before restart:


Hi all,

Got the following error when updating to 2021.4.4:

ERROR: THESE PACKAGES DO NOT MATCH THE HASHES FROM THE REQUIREMENTS FILE. If you have updated the package versions, please update the hashes. Otherwise, examine the package contents carefully; someone may have tampered with them.
    home-assistant-frontend==20210407.3 from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/1e/29/13a7ee41fdc63f2ad07fc0c7c664ffd8c8e4319764d33d95bf7727bc25b9/home-assistant-frontend-20210407.3.tar.gz#sha256=b9c7b04b5f7791bbe593843ee481184fab1f27f1f4d3abb2d22222f141ceccfa (from -c /srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/homeassistant/package_constraints.txt (line 19)):
    Expected sha256 b9c7b04b5f7791bbe593843ee481184fab1f27f1f4d3abb2d22222f141ceccfa
    Got        ca3ef965059f3874a208848f38a48191ad113550966f8871e5a74bc0b6f6e2fa

Cause for immediate panic?

Yeah it’s an event stream. It won’t survive a restart, no sensors do. This is nothing new. Add a homeassistant startup trigger.

see my template sensors.

No I don’t want the startup trigger, I need them to record the value at midnight, and only then.

That’s why I had a whole setup with intermediary input_numbers to record those values, and create the template sensors based on these numbers (via a python script)

My hope was that these new trigger based template sensors would only update on the trigger, but would keep their value crossing restarts.

Nothing has ever done that in home assistant outside helpers.