2021.4: For our advanced users ❤️

Your automation needs to have an id for traces to be created, when you use YAML to configure them, you need to add that manually

Thank you so much @CentralCommand, this really helped me!!

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Yep, I always put that on all my automations/scripts,

- id: notification_motion_detected
   alias: 'House Alarm - Notification Camera Motion Detected'
   mode: queued

Hi! Did you solved the problem, how? Thanks a lot

Hi Joaquin, you can change the port back for homekit in your config:

  port: 51827

I’m using docker-compose, so I decided to remove the port from my config and use the updated (standard) ports

  container_name: home-assistant
  image: homeassistant/home-assistant:latest
    - 8123:8123
    - 21063:21063
    - 21064:21064

I might have restarted the avahi as well, but can’t remember.

sudo service avahi-daemon restart

Hope this helps you to resolve as well

HI, thank for the replay, it didnt work. im running on pi3

and my config.yaml

#HomeKit Integration
- filter:
      - light
      - sensor
      - camera
#      - climate
#      - media_player
      - switch.medanito_vpn
      - media_player.living_LG
#      - media_player.cocina
#      - media_player.living

Any Help is welcome!

Was homekit working fine before 2021.4?
In that case you could try:

#HomeKit Integration
  advertise_ip: 192.168....pi ip address
  port: 51827
      - light
      - sensor
      - camera
#      - climate
#      - media_player
      - switch.medanito_vpn
      - media_player.living_LG
#      - media_player.cocina
#      - media_player.living
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Hi Golles!!! Thanks again…Right It was working before that update.

Code didnt work, do you think if I delete inegration, It will work again? I think I already tried

does it happen to anyone else?

Hi Guys,
As usual, a big thanks for your awesome work ! I have not been around for a while and did not follow the latest devs, but the latest release looks very interesting.
I have noted there has been a change in the Z-wave integration and was wondering if at some point automatic transition is planned ? I have a couple of radiators connected in Z-wave through micro modules embedded in the wall and i would be a pain to have to access them all to reset them, etc. But at the same time, I assume the old integration will be depreciated at some point.
Any insight ?

You (generally) don’t need to re-pair the devices since the device is paired to the controller not the interface software.

All the update does is provides a different updated means to interface with your controller.

Hum thanks for the tip. If I understand correctly, this means I just need to disable Z-wave integration, and enable Open Z-wave and Voilà ?
Sounds too simple to be true :sweat_smile: :v:

Probably the name of your end devices will be different. You will need to check all your rules and interfaces towards them.

You should be moving to zwavejs rather than open z-wave at this point.
ZwaveJs is the recommended integration going forward.

There are a number of threads covering off migrating from zwave to zwavejs that are worth reviewing.
In particular:

Anyone else noticed an increase in CPU/Temp, with: core-2021.4.6?
Rpi4 (4Gb)-SSD:

Installed it yesterday and went from, average:
CPU: 9% to 39%.
Temperature (passive case): 48ºC to 57ºC

No errors or new warnings on the Logs.

thanks ! lots of exciting stuff to do this weekend !!!

Upgraded from what version?


When I update from core-2021.4.4 to core-2021.4.6 I loose the main customized overview dashboard and it gets replaced with one that has all my entities. Any ideas why is this happening?


HI @golles I think found the issue.
Im using two netwoks eth0 on my ISP router and Wlan0 on my MIkrotik with differents ip address, so every time I connect to ISP router HomeKit worked and on my Mikrotik network doesnt, so…removed the patchcord form my isp, disable eth0 and its working again. Before that ive try using IP_ADVERTISE to use Mikrotik range ips but it didnt work.

thank for your time

Anyone know about how many hours updating 14 days of DB might take?

Been going well over an hour on my x86-64 server with the database upgrade…just since I logged in to check it. From what I see of the host system its not using that much resources seems like its not trying that hard…disk is on SSDs and don’t appear that active by the LEDs

EDIT: Finally finished…man that was a LONG wait, at least 2.5 hours!