2021.4: For our advanced users ❤️

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Supervisor system information.

Automation tracing… I need new pants!
I’ve waiting soooo long for this. superb!!!

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Sorry, but in my case, it is more than just a warning error. The value_template is actually no longer parsing data from the JSON that is returned. If it was just a matter of ignoring an error, I’d be fine, but I actually do see a change: I no longer have a state for me sensors.

Then fix the error with the code I posted…

What’s the harm in just trying it instead of this long winded conversation?

Sorry. Didn’t mean to try your patience. I’ll give it a shot. Appreciate your help.

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If it doesn’t work, create a separate post and tag me and I’ll come help. Just post the resource and your current codeblock.

This updated added Home Assistant Supervisor integration and its entities. They are disabled by default. How do I enable them? Never mind. Need to click on the box on the left and then the enable comes up.

Ok, will do. But where can I find the “users list”? Do you mean the “person” file in “.storage” folder? What do I have to add there to become the owner? Something like “owner” : “true”?

Issue submitted:

What is the difference between set_value vs set_config_parameter? Are they interchangeable in zwave_js

The user list is in Home Assistant “Configuration” and then “Users” (just below “Zones”)

probably should just close that


change max to whatever value you want, i.e. 3 for 3 speeds that range from 1 to 3. If you want 0 to 3, then do 0 for min 3 for max. But then your calc will be different.

The “owner” is usually the first user generated when Home Assistant was first installed.
When you do not have a user which is “owner” you might have deleted that user. I did that by accident. I had to edit the file
to set one of my existing users as “owner”

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Ok. As already stated my “auth” file is completely empty. I guess because I am using HA for almost two years now and I copied the /config folder several times from my NAS to my Pi and visa versa.
So how does the “auth” file look like? Does someone has an example? Thanks.

I don’t see how your auth file can be empty, how are your users set up? Also, what file are you looking at specifically?

I’m not really sure about that.

I assumed that the speed ranges were for setting the minimum and maximum speed range (as the name suggests) from 1 to 100% not the speed percentage steps.

unless you are implying that I can set the range to minimum = 1 for off and maximum = 4 for high?

I really can’t see a use case where the speed percent min would be higher than 1 if that’s the case.

If so then the other documentation and discussions have been a bit misleading that state that 33%/67%/100% equate to low/medium/high.

If that’s the case then there should still be a speed_count to make things a bit more consistent and it would still make more sense to use a speed_count instead of calculating the max based on how many speeds you have.


Sorry I didn’t see the part after the link…

I looked at the code, it uses that.

CONF_SPEED_RANGE_MIN = "speed_range_min"
CONF_SPEED_RANGE_MAX = "speed_range_max"
            ): cv.positive_int,
            ): cv.positive_int,
        self._speed_range = (
                percentage = ranged_value_to_percentage(
                    self._speed_range, int(numeric_val_str)

It should probably be in the docs then too.

it is, read the blurbs:


1 represents 0%, if your max range is 3, 3 represents 100%.

If those aren’t satusfactory, please suggest an edit with the feedback button

I’m getting this error on ha configurator.
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/idna-3.1.dist-info/METADATA’
Tried a update and zha failed to load?
Anyone else having this?
OVA install on a qnap.