2021.5: new notification mobile_app: do we change ios: too?

from 2021.5, the notification to mobile_app has changed significantly, as described here, where a migration is explained too: Actionable Notifications | Home Assistant Companion Docs

however, I cant find documentation on the config we had for ios:where we configured the actionable categories (which now are no longer needed?)
like this:

# Ios notification

      - name: Espresso
        identifier: espresso
          - identifier: ESPRESSO_TRUE
            title: Yes
            authenticationRequired: false
            activationMode: background
            destructive: true
#            behavior: default
          - identifier: ALLINONE_FALSE
            title: No/Off/False/Close/Unlock
            authenticationRequired: no
          - identifier: DISMISS
            title: Dismiss
            activationMode: background
            authenticationRequired: true
            destructive: false
#            behavior: default

Do we still need this, and/or, how do we change this ios: key in the new way of notifications?

From my understanding: remove the ios key and put the actions part in the notification. As described in the link, you have linked.

But here it isn’t working, see here

thanks. Ill watch there too :wink:
btw, I am on 2021.5 HA and App so that should be fine.
Havent migrated yet, first want to understand the complexity of it all…