2021.8.0: Feel the energy ⚡️

There has never been forecast solar coverage for Australia, except for a sliver of the west coast. See the map here:


I think they might be broken at the minute, when you go to their website on the front page it usually shows how much energy is been generated etc but just spinning around.


Hi There,

I am excited about getting more insight into my power consumption at home.
I have made a HA Glow device from the guide from @klaasnicolaas I must say the 3D case is so nicely done, cool fit :slight_smile:
Just wondering how is ESPHome sending it’s information to HA! If I will update, tinker around HA all the time which requires restarts each time, will I be missing data from the Glow device or is it so smart that it will retry if HA is not available for a short amount of time. ? Otherwise I have to start thinking about when I’m doing changes and reboot each time I want to mess with config / add-ons etc…

though I love the new energy: features and the shadows of the future it shows us already, I must confess it feels a bit itchy to see the dependence on several (more and more) ‘cloud’ services. Cloud services that fail very often to that. Forecast.solar, and the CO2 integration more often than not show errors, or simply dont work.

Of course we are not forced to use those, but then dont have all features in the advertised new world.

Truly wished these issues would be fixed, rather than excused (because they are not HA code, there’s nothing we can do but wait). wouldn’t know how though…

Or simply don’t cover much of the world!

Cost is also broken for some of us: Energy Management - cost & compensation not showing

that’s another issue, I answered in the linked post, but for reference will do so too here: please be sure to record the entities in recorder, otherwise the cost and compensation wont be calculated, and will remain 0.0 and -0,0

I don’t have explicit includes nor excludes for recorder, so I assume they are recorded. I refuse to go list all my entities to be included, just to have the cost entities recorded. If that’s the way to do it, it’s not consistent.

well, refuse whatever you like, but having a strict include policy is the way to go anyways. Adding 4 entities there is not inconsistent. On the contrary I would say.

for this issue: be sure they are included, which you can easily do by clicking them and see if there is a history:

There is history, as I already explained in the other threat.

Hey Tom, did you get anywhere with this? I just starting setting up my Energy panel and have the same issue


It has been fixed and will be available with next release I think

There is a few options to try:
disable and enable again location tracing
uninstall / install application
check if you have no the device registered twice in HA (see long-lasting bug in the app or core: Duplicated MobileApp (iOS) integration - why does it still happen - #8 by maxym )

With the new focus on energy, I’d like to break in here to bump the bug report on lack of a US customary units setting. I’d also initially made this a feature request. Right now, HA only supports metric and imperial, and the two systems are not fully interchangeable. In particular, US and imperial volume units are substantially (20 or 25%) different. If more fuel-related integrations are added – right now I only see TankUtility – this will become important, since under- or over-reporting fuel levels can result in running out early or overfilling tanks.

Right now, it’s merely an inconvenience, since I don’t think TankUtility has operations anywhere but USA so unit conversion problems aren’t likely. Also not a really big deal with car integrations, since users will believe the gas gauge on the vehicle rather than the volume reported by HA (and vehicle fueling systems have overfill prevention). But the problem exists now, and as more fuel services there’s more likelihood of actual problems.

But not wanting to rain on the energy parade, I do very much welcome the focus in this globally crucial area.

How is this an issue when Home Assistant does no unit conversions?

Bug report and feature request have more detailed explanation of this but the short version is integrations can use the global HA system of measure setting to know what units to report in.

I believe only liquid units are different size in the US than the rest of the Imperial measurement system.

There are a few other differences, some of which might come up, others may never be seen in the scope of HA.

Liquid volume units are probably most likely to cause a problem. I don’t think there are any cookbook/recipe integrations, so dry volume issues wouldn’t exist until such a thing came into existence (if ever).

The US has two official definitions of the foot – but only till the end of this year. In 2022, the US will only use the standardized international foot shared with UK, NZ, AU, CA, etc. (This was a legacy unit retained while old survey data was converted to metric.)

Mass units do have some differences. US hundredweights and tons are different from their UK counterparts. (I know of no integrations that use these, since this is Home Assistant, not Farm Assistant or Factory Assistant.) OTOH, fitness/health integrations will have an issue with the imperial “stone”. This unit is not used in the US. I see the fitbit integration works around the problem with a setting that can override the HA system units of measure setting. I don’t know anything about the Withings integration, but do I know there are scales in the Withings ecosystem, so the issue may exist there, too.

Any citation about the different definitions of foot? I have never heard of that before.