2021.8.0: Feel the energy ⚡️

Maybe I’m completely wrong, but here you are adding on top of total power usage individual device usage?
IMHO - those should be individual device usage - as they are already calculated in total energy usage?
Or is total energy usage something different and only named wrong?

Am I the only one not seeing the renamed hassio services “backup_full” and “backup_partial” after upgrading to 2021.8 ( Rename snapshot → backup by ludeeus · Pull Request #51629 · home-assistant/core · GitHub?

I still have the old hassio.snapshot* services :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Perhaps not happening until the next version?

  • The service snapshot_full is now named backup_full, the service snapshot_full will be removed in Home Assistant 2021.9

EDIT: Doesn’t seem to be listed here 2021.8.0: Feel the energy ⚡️ - Home Assistant

It is listed under „All changes“, and it would make sense to provide both service names at least for one release to enable a smoother transition for the users :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I saw this too and haven’t been able to figure out if I should change my automaton or not.

The service under dev tools is still callled snapshot and there isn’t a warning about it in the log.

Is it just going to be renamed in the next release and we’ll just have to update it then?

I believe this change was reverted:

I don’t use Hass OS myself, but my understanding is that a Supervisor update is needed before this can be redone as that was calling the old service.

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Hope u got it fixed. My efergy, Growatte solar/battery and Sonoff pows are not there to select in new energy platform. Select sensors that are in KWh from developer tool->statues and look at the arttributes missing. need
state_class: measurement
last_reset: 1970-01-01T00:00:00T00:00:00+00:00
device_class: energy
unit_of_measurement: kWh
to work for each
What I did was to go to customization opetion in end of configuration section of HA and then added the missing attributes. For me for efergy that was state_class and last_rest. Just type the sensor in customisation and then pick and attribute to override then other. You can now enter attribute name (state_class) and attribute value (measurement) and then do the same for the other missing attributes and save. Now go to the energy in configuration section and you will see the sensor you fixed

Is anyone else seeing the forecast solar integration going unavailable now again maybe once a week ?

When you go to the website it looks like it is having problems.

Hey Guys,

wonder what I am doing wrong as mine is not showing up as a supported entity.
I have added to my configuration.

  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.office_power_current_consumption
    name: office_power_total_consumption
    unit_prefix: k
    unit: kWh
    round: 2

And I have the sensor created and updated accordingly. So it looks okay it just doesnt show up as a possible device.

My source sensor is this (Local Tuya, from attributes).

        value_template: "{{ states.switch.office_power.attributes.current_consumption }}"
        friendly_name: Office Power Current Consumption
        unit_of_measurement: ‘W’

Any idea what I could be missing.?

PS. I am going all in on the energy dashboard and have created a Home assistant Glow as well. Which Smart plugs do you guys use / recommend to get all around the house to get the individual devices in and tracked.

EDIT: I added the missing device_class: energy by going to customization and attribute to override. It now shows up and will see how the calculations will look, I’m still not sure I did everything entirely as is expected :slight_smile: . I hope something like the new Tuya integration coming up will add such devices with all the required attributes automatically.

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have this, still missing

Have just upgrade to core-2021.8.8 and I get this message with the solar forecasting. Worked in the previous versions. Any help would be appreciated.

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sorry not sure. all my sonoff devices (sonoff lan and MQTT tasmota), growatt sensors (there is a lot for including battery charge/ discharge) and efergy sensor that were not showing up appeared and working well once I added missing attributes via customization (namely state_class and last_rest. Please check if you are selecting the correct sensors. Power in w will not work directly and should be energy sensors which are in kWh or need to use another method to accumulate power in to energy

I cannot get this working too. In Adelaide AU

There has never been forecast solar coverage for Australia, except for a sliver of the west coast. See the map here:


I think they might be broken at the minute, when you go to their website on the front page it usually shows how much energy is been generated etc but just spinning around.


Hi There,

I am excited about getting more insight into my power consumption at home.
I have made a HA Glow device from the guide from @klaasnicolaas I must say the 3D case is so nicely done, cool fit :slight_smile:
Just wondering how is ESPHome sending it’s information to HA! If I will update, tinker around HA all the time which requires restarts each time, will I be missing data from the Glow device or is it so smart that it will retry if HA is not available for a short amount of time. ? Otherwise I have to start thinking about when I’m doing changes and reboot each time I want to mess with config / add-ons etc…

though I love the new energy: features and the shadows of the future it shows us already, I must confess it feels a bit itchy to see the dependence on several (more and more) ‘cloud’ services. Cloud services that fail very often to that. Forecast.solar, and the CO2 integration more often than not show errors, or simply dont work.

Of course we are not forced to use those, but then dont have all features in the advertised new world.

Truly wished these issues would be fixed, rather than excused (because they are not HA code, there’s nothing we can do but wait). wouldn’t know how though…

Or simply don’t cover much of the world!

Cost is also broken for some of us: Energy Management - cost & compensation not showing

that’s another issue, I answered in the linked post, but for reference will do so too here: please be sure to record the entities in recorder, otherwise the cost and compensation wont be calculated, and will remain 0.0 and -0,0