2021.8.0: Feel the energy ⚡️

Edit the entity attributes via the GUI, Configuration → Customisations

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Thank you very much! Never knew that I could make the override there. Noobie me…

So, I was wondering: does the Energy integration use the data recorded by the Recorder integration?

I assume it does not because data is only displayed from the moment you add an entity to the Energy monitoring. If it were to use the data recorded by Recorder it should have access to old data.

The reason why this is relevant is because I want to limit what the Recorder tracks and stores in the database. If I only wanted to track energy consumption and this data is stored by Energy itself (without being able to use the data from Recorder) I might as well disable all entities in Recorder.

So, is my assumption correct or does Energy need Recorder data despite not accessing old recordings?

It does use recorder, or more particularly the database that recorder feeds.

So it uses the same database or also the data? Because if the latter then it should be able to display data from before the new integration was introduce. If the first, then deactivating the Recorder should have no impact as the database remains available.

The data from the recorder is aggregated and persisted in one hour intervalls into the statistics tables in the same database.
The data in the statistics tables is not purged Like the regular recorder data.

I don’t use that integration. My ESP reads my powermeter and reports everything in Lovelace. That’s it.
I don’t do any long time stats gathering, that would clutter the system way too much. I display the current power consumption on a wall mounted tablet through Appdeamon, besides a lot of other things of course, like light controls and indicators.

Hi i have this config:


- platform: fronius_inverter
  ip_address: http://mynet.dscloud.biz:5002
  power_units: kW
      - ac_power
      - day_energy
      - year_energy
      - total_energy

i see entities but there is no data.
in logs i see

Log Details (ERROR)

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.fronius_inverter.sensor
Source: custom_components/fronius_inverter/sensor.py:375
Integration: fronius_inverter ([documentation](https://github.com/safepay/sensor.fronius/blob/19c1f3e0183f333129c6e7db0d63bcc6e737f54b/README.md))
First occurred: 12:34:09 PM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:36:14 PM

Failed to update: connection error

Log Details (ERROR)

Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: components/websocket_api/connection.py:89
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API ([documentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/websocket_api), [issues](https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+websocket_api%22))
First occurred: 12:34:04 PM (12 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:34:04 PM

[140138073380992] Received invalid command: energy/info

in http://mynet.dscloud.biz:5002/solar_api/v1/GetPowerFlowRealtimeData.fcgi
i see data.

where can be error ?
can anyone show own config ?

i have Fronius Symo 6.0-3-M

Remove http:// from your host.
You could also consider to try the HA built in Fronius integration instead of the custom component. I’ve rewritten it from scratch and it will be shipped in the December release (beta will start tomorrow).

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can’t wait - im struggling to get the energy metering section to mirror my power bills :smiley:

Did you ever figure this out? I’d love to have this set up!

i can export data for 2 mounth?
i want to calc how many money i need to get bill for example
9.10.2021 - 8.12.2021
how i can do it?

No, there is no facility for that. You will have to keep track of it yourself. A utility meter would be a good place to start.

but he dont work for 2 mounth

Add the state of a daily utility meter to a running total using a triggered template sensor (trigger just before midnight).

you can help me to build it?

    source: sensor.power_total
    cycle: monthly

Start a topic. This is not related to the 2021.8 release.