Maybe it would be better to move your issue and open a new thread? what I can say for now: The theme works for me (I’m using a theme directory), but only until I refresh the browser. I kept something in mind that there is an issue on Github.
Better to use the old value “0px 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)”.
Unfortunately, not everything may be reverted to the “old style” by using a theme only; a local tuning with card-mod is required; also, some custom cards work not properly in 2022.11.
A bit later I will prepare my proposals (as well as register issues for custom cards).
I don’t like the new outlines to be honest. It’s a matter of taste, but I would really like to have the option to change back or disable rounded corners and outlines and stuff like this when it’s ‘changed’ in HA. I’m sticking to the Slate theme, which resembles the previous HA theme.
edit: Otherwise I’m extremely happy, running HA almost 3 years, rock solid! People ask about it all the time, when they see my setup and they all want to start running Home Assistant
Well, according to a new style “no shadow, add border” - this picture seems correct since both cards (picture-elements & internal card) are supposed to have a border.
Okay, I’m lost.
I could create a minimal “No Border” theme as described above; this works.
BUT: I use different themes on different tabs installed via HACS and include those via
themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
I can patch the included themes, but this will be overwritten, when I install an updated for those themes.
But nevertheless: For now the frames are patched away.
And very same is about a design. People who never dealt with themes & styles are not supposed to fix their UI just because of some preferences of some person or a blind following some Materials 3 dogmas. BTW, these changes in styles were not mentioned as a breaking change.
Yeah, it’s not breaking change if you aren’t using any custom stuff. It’s just new style, trend, Material 3, how ever you want to call it. It’s something that any long time projekt, like HA, has to do at some point. If you dont like it or if it’s breaking your custom stuff, it’s your problem to handle. Home Assistant core team can’t support every edge cases.
Stop complaining and enjoy the awesomeness of open source. You have the opportunity change everything in UI if you want to.