2022.11: Card borders

Hi, can i also use this code for Horizontal Stack Card Configuration ? If so where do I need to place the code

Can someone help me here, I am missing something I know in the YAML setup.

when I add this to my config file:

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
  No Borders:
    ha-card-border-radius: 0px 
    ha-card-border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) 

I get this error when I check config.

Invalid config for [frontend]: [No Borders] is an invalid option for [frontend]. Check: frontend->frontend->No Borders. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 84).

If I take out this part:

!include_dir_merge_named themes

Then it checks out ok, but when I restart my system all my custom Themes are gone that I use for other pages.

How can I fix the border issue and keep my link of the themes folder?

  No Borders:
    ha-card-border-radius: 0px 
    ha-card-border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) 

This is already a theme, compare the structure with your other themes in your theme directory. Create a new yaml file in your theme directory with the content abov No Borders:
ha-card-border-radius: 0px
ha-card-border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) .


that should not go into your configuration yaml but into the yaml file of the theme you are using.

YES! That would be great. I personally hate the new one, with outline/borders it feels like the UIs I wrote in the 2000ā€™sā€¦ If we could set details like border, radius it would be best, and everyone would be happy. Now, is there anyone who can contribut that? xD

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have a look into the ā€œpre 2022.11 themesā€ Iā€™ve createdā€¦ :slight_smile:


I am using the same google theme, and I would like to add the no border to it. Did you find out to do it?

Using your them over the google one, I kind of like it more. From GitHub, I understood that the outline version has no border and a couple of options for shadow, but instead, it does have borders. Does it?

I tried all 4 options and only Home-Assistant Pre-2022.11.0 Theme has no border. Am I doing something wrong?

The Therme was supposed to have the Same Border and Border Radius as the Default Theme before 2022.11.

I still need to do an Update/Change on the Icon colors ā€¦ What exactly do you want?

Maybe I can add a Variant completely without borders, but Not Sure how this will Look like

Hi, yes, thatā€™s correct.
The ā€œPre-2022.11.0ā€ Theme is the default one to recreate the look of HA before the 2022.11 update where basically only the shadows created a slight border around the cards.

The other ones are some alternate themes where I wanted to remove the shadows for example, so it required a slight border to keep the cards divided from the background.

let me check what further options I can implementā€¦ maybe, I can remove the border on the "outline edge with shadows variant, since there, the shadows will work the same way as in the default pre 2022.11 version.

And maybe, I will add a new variant completely without borders and shadows.

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I like a modern and clean look. I am still learning the differences between cards and theme to understand what I would like to achieve and how.

I am working on it :slight_smile:
I still consider some additional changes on the icon colors - since there were also some changes within the last releasesā€¦

Most of the colors have been reverted back within the recent updates so I donā€™t need to have them in the theme :slight_smile:
Maybe, Iā€™ll implement some different colors which Iā€™m using locally on my theme right nowā€¦

right now, I am thinking of having (most) of the state colors in green ā€¦ which does work for me personally:

rather than having yellow, purple, and so on ā€¦ but I canā€™t change everything within the theme.

If the people are OK with the color choices, I think Iā€™ll update the themes accordingly :slight_smile: [the colors can then still be changed in the theme itselfā€¦ but would be lost with another update]

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Looks great to me.

thanks :slight_smile:
I will then add these color changes to the theme and push an update later :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m having the same same problem, and I canā€™t figure out where this code to fix it goes. Can you please provide some clarity?

you can either use the yaml of your theme (if you are using a custom theme)
or you can use card mod to get rid of the borders.



  ha-card-border-radius: "4px"
  ha-card-border-width: "0px"
  ha-card-box-shadow: "0px 2px 1px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)"

that should restore the default with a slight shadow around the cards
If you remove the ha-card-box-shadow then the card will not have any shadows.

If you donā€™t use any custom theme, you need to use Card_mod.
In this case, you probably need to add the above code from C.G.B.Spender to the yaml of every cardā€¦

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Hi all, can someone help me?

I am using ā€œcustom:stack-in-cardā€ to combine 2 cards. It looks like this:

Washing Machine

I would like to get rid of that rectangle thatā€™s in the middle but cannot figure out how.

Here is my code:

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
      style: |
        ha-card {
        background: none;
        border: none; 
    entity: sensor.electrolux_sawa_washing_machine_wm1_appliancestate
    multiline_secondary: false
    primary: |2-
       {% set d ={
        'Delayed start': 'Delayed Start',
        'Running': 'Running', 
        'Cycle is finished': 'Cycle Ended',
        'Off': 'Off'
        } %}
        {{ d.get(states(entity)) }} 
    secondary: >
      Time - {{states('sensor.electrolux_sawa_washing_machine_wm1_timetoend')}}


    icon: >-
      {% if
      'Running') %}
      {% elif
      'Cycle is finished') %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}  
    icon_color: >-
      {% set state=states(entity) %}  {% if state=='Running' %} blue  {% elif
      state== 'Delayed start' %} orange  {% elif state== 'Cycle is finished' %}
      purple  {% else %} grey  {% endif %}
  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    entity: sensor.electrolux_sawa_washing_machine_wm1_appliancestate
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
    alignment: center
      style: |
        ha-card {
           background: none;
           border: none; 
         div.chip-container {
           margin-top: -20px;
           --chip-border-width: 0px;
           --chip-background: none;
      - type: template
        icon: mdi:tshirt-crew-outline
        entity: sensor.electrolux_sawa_washing_machine_wm1_programuid
          action: none
          action: none
          action: none
        content: '{{states(''sensor.electrolux_sawa_washing_machine_wm1_programuid'') }} '
      - type: template
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        entity: sensor.electrolux_sawa_washing_machine_wm1_analogtemperature
          action: none
          action: none
          action: none
        content: >-
      - type: template
        icon: mdi:alpha-s-circle-outline
        entity: sensor.electrolux_sawa_washing_machine_wm1_analogspinspeed
          action: none
          action: none
          action: none
        content: >-
      - type: template
        entity: binary_sensor.electrolux_sawa_washing_machine_wm1_doorlock
          action: none
          action: none
          action: none
        content: >-
          {% set d ={ 'off': 'Locked', 'on': 'Unlocked',  } %} 
          {{d.get(states(entity)) }}
        icon: |-
          {% set state=states(entity) %}
          {% if state=='off' %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
  style: |
    ha-card {
      height:110px !important;
      width: 285px
      background: none;
      border: none;

Any help would be appreciated.

The stack-in-card custom card does not hide the borders added with 2022.11 release. There is an issue on that in their issuetracker Borders are showing up from HA Core version 2022.11 Ā· Issue #46 Ā· custom-cards/stack-in-card Ā· GitHub

That project has not had commits in 3 years, it is probably not getting updates any time soon.

Hi all, Iā€™m losing my mind pinpointing my particular issue and could really use some guidance. Iā€™m using the ā€˜Google Themeā€™ from HACS, and after seeing the original post here months ago, I was able to remove the borders from all my cards by updating both dark and light portions of the theme YAML to include ā€œha-card-border-width: 0pxā€. (Code snippets below).

However, for the last few months I have a situation where my browser (Brave and MS Edge mobile/desktop) displays a card border outline ONLY on the Light theme. Nothing has changed, yet the theme has decided to ignore the additional code snippet I included months ago. What is super odd to me are two things:

  • Switching to the dark theme in the browser removes the borders.
  • Using the Home Assistant Android app doesnā€™t display the borders for either light or dark theme.

Light theme:

      card-background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)
      ha-card-background: rgb(255, 255, 255)
      ha-card-border-color: rgb(235, 235, 235)
      ha-card-border-width: 0px
      paper-dialog-background-color: var(--card-background-color)
      paper-listbox-background-color: var(--card-background-color)
      paper-card-background-color: var(--card-background-color)

Dark theme:

      card-background-color: rgb(32, 33, 36)
      ha-card-background: rgb(32, 33, 36)
      ha-card-border-color: rgb(42, 43, 46)
      ha-card-border-width: 0px
      paper-dialog-background-color: var(--card-background-color)
      paper-listbox-background-color: var(--card-background-color)
      paper-card-background-color: var(--card-background-color)

I donā€™t have theme, so where should I put this 2 lines?