2022.12 Color states are broken/unusable

Is unavailable now hard-coded transparent or is there a variable for this? Though you have written in one of the according github entries, that this will be configurable.

Found it

We are preparing a fix for that. Inactive and unavailable state will be two different colors on the dashboard, more-info, logbook, history. It will be 2 shades of grey and will be configurable with themes.

Conflicts with “transparent”.

That’s clear. But my question was about the announced configuration/promised options.

Yes, as a first solution we thought about 2 shades of grey but just create hole in the history timeline appears to be a better solution. Inactive color is configurable but not unavailable as it’s an empty slot in the timeline.

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That’s punny


Can you comment my remarks?

  1. How to distinguish “unavailable” & “unknown” cases?
  2. How to distinguish “unavailable” & “entity does not exist” cases?
  1. Unknown is grey (like off) and unavailable is empty slot. On lovelace card, unknown state has the same color as off (even before this release)
  2. Why do you need this difference?
    Numeric sensor history already have this type of display (no graph when unavailable):

CleanShot 2022-12-12 at 22.10.15


Maybe already asked somewhere.

Since the latest “color” update my nefit climate entity is always red instead of blue. It’s always red because It’s always “heating”. But technically it is not. During the night e.g. it sets back to 19°C and during the day 20.5°C. When the target tempvis met it stops hearing but since the climate entitiy is always set, to 19 or 20.5 it is now always red 🤷.

How could that be the case and above all, how can I go back to original color? Or change the behaviour of the color? Like it is only red when rhe system status is heating and not standby?

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Seconding this.

I realize that technically the “state” of the Thermostat is “Heat”, but the thing I actually care about is if the furnace is actually heating at the moment. I don’t care whether I’ve got it set to Heat, Cool, or Heat/Cool: I want to know what operation is currently being performed, at a glance.

As it stands, the current change is a strict downgrade in experience from how it used to work.


Actually, I meant graphs for sensors w/o UoM.
Currently for 2022.12.1 we have this:

1.The sensor was created at ~00:20, the graph show “empty” (i.e. “transparent”) line for the period when this sensor did not exist.
2.After some time the sensor became “unavailable”; currently it is same color as for “off” - so let’s imagine that it will be “transparent” in the next HA release.

3.HA was rebooted between 00:25…00:26.
At that time the sensor became “unknown”:

Note that currently “unknown” is also using the same color as “off” & “unavailable” (hope this will be fixed).

4.Then the sensor was deleted.
Then the sensor was added again - so we see “unknown” in the graph:

Actually, I am expecting a “gap” here since there is no sensor exist at this period - but this is another issue.

Currently this picture seems rather logical (if not talking about same color for “unavailable”, “unknown” & “off” and that “gap with unknown”).
Because of your changes now we will see no differences between “unavailable” & “does not exist” states.

Will it be SAME color as “off”?

Wrong, if you mean history-graph.
Here is a screenshot of some previous untouched HA version:

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I am generally fine with the color changes as implemented. I do, however, have “alert” entities that when “idle” are appearing as red. No idea what colors appear when “on” or “off”. I only see two variables in the theme styles with alert in the name (–rgb-state-alert-color: var(–rgb-red-color), --rgb-state-binary-sensor-alerting-color: var(–rgb-red-color); )

Just curious if I’m missing something here, or have something misconfigured somewhere, or if this needs to be adjusted in the actual HA code – but it seems like an “idle” alert shouldn’t be default red?


    name: Smoke Alert in Basement
    entity_id: sensor.basement_smoke_co_status
    state: 'smoke'
      - 5
      - 10
      - 130
    skip_first: false
      - hass_text

    name: CO Alert in Basement
    entity_id: sensor.basement_smoke_co_status
    state: 'CO'
      - 5
      - 10
      - 130
    skip_first: false
      - hass_text

That is being discussed here already: State color of thermostat entity based on wrong attribute. ¡ Issue #14608 ¡ home-assistant/frontend ¡ GitHub


Is it a binary sensor of some particular class?
Could you give an example?

hugely appreciate the lengths the frontend team now seems to adjust some color oddities in the original 2022.12 effort.

Must confess I am a bit underwhelmed by PR #14710 on the unavailable color to be transparent. To me transparent looks like a rendering bug. As if the graph is broken.

There is not even a state named in that screenshot, so it doesn’t indicate with text what is the matter. We have nu clue at all.

I can not understand this design decision, was there was a nice example by Paul how these unavailable/off/on colors were set to very light grey/grey/active color (cant find the screenshot right now)

there is not a single other situation in HA where ‘transparent’ indicates anything, other than a bug/issue.

How would this be sane design, are we sure this isnt a fluke?
(checking the PR now)

and yes, unfortunately this appears not to be a fluke. Though I see the exact same wording written in doubts I used above…

now even read:

o dear.where is this going?
How have you established this ‘appears to be a better solution’?? In the last 3 days that is, where you said:

Inactive and unavailable state will be two different colors on the dashboard, more-info, logbook, history. It will be 2 shades of grey and will be configurable with themes.

At least indicate ‘unavailable’, but preferably bring back the light greyed background to that. Seems universal, so why be purposely different here.

--rgb-state-unavailable-color: var(--rgb-light-grey-color);


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At least two vars should be added - for unavailable & unknown in history-graph.


I guess we have to agree there, because now, as it is intended, ‘off’ will be the same as ‘unknown’.

Which ofc is so not what the backend team states at any opportunity. Check the latest changes made to the binary entities, that have those 4 states now… And that was explicitly and purposely done, because being ‘unknown’ is not off/on. It’s a pain, but hey, it kind of is true.

And now our frontend tells another story: never mind the entity is unknown, we’ll show it as off. It is plain incorrect.


I would really use a very light grey color for unavailable entities - such as: #F8F8F8 rgb(248,248,248) for example…

Or, at least, keep the text based information “Unavailable” - so that the gap does make any sense at all… :slight_smile:

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What I find really really good is the option to modify name, area and icon in the UI for an entity if it has an unique id. It’s so easy and user friendly that I don’t understand that this functionality can’t be used to set up the colours for the entity as well. In general there are no more then 4 states (on, off, unavailable, unknown). I hope our Devs read this :pray:. That would be for me the ultimate solution. The (custom) themes set the global colours and you modify the entity colours to your liking to suit your dashboard.

I am still on 2022.11.5 because the updates after I still a small disaster to me.

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Just want to also say thanks to the frontend team reacting to this, sometimes a bit too frank, feedback. Just report the facts everyone as the saying goes “Play the ball not the man”

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Once again about different colors for Zones in History - please consider these scenarios.

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