2022.2: Let's start streamlining!

If I understand correctly then I have the HACS version 2022.2.3 and HA is version 2022.2.2 is the HACS version used?

That’s right I think.

Thank you very much, I’m a little smarter again :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks, Marius, for sharing your experience and for the advice. Cheers. :+1:

Now you’ve done it! You awakened Schrodinger’s Cat with those last two! :hushed:

Also, excellent response and example that clearly indicates exactly what this change fixes.

Thank you for your attention

Lots of people are disappointed in this being removed. At the very least it should have been split into a separate component if there was some type of conflict with moving Google Nest stuff forward.

There are still LOTS of people running Nest Protects on the Nest API.

Looks like our only option is to run the previous nest component as a custom component at least until hopefully someone makes an official custom component or even better, creates a separate component.

More thought should have been put into this - asking for someone to create a separate component so people don’t get cut off.

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For the record, I think this was the right move for consistency, and have zero problems with it, and I’ve only noticed it when a new UNKNOWN “state” appeared in my history, but…

Just thinking out loud here… given that Template Binary Sensors are user-made, perhaps it might make sense to add an option in the sensor definition to force “unknown” and “unavailable” to equate to “off”, with user taking responsibility for that decision. Kind of like how we can customize other things about our entities, like device class. Are there any downsides to that?

I also OFTEN wish I could reverse the default behavior of a device-generated binary sensor. I have a sensor that I use for mains power monitoring. When that binary sensor is OFF, it indicates the Power is ON, and vice versa. This means I have to add logic to reverse this behavior, as well as, add logic to fix the activation of “show state” functionality in the UI, every where I use it. It would be AWESOME if it were possible to reverse the behavior at the source so all the default downstream functionality would work as expected (or, rather, as I would like it to). :grin:


Now we are talking!

You can template that, no need for an option.

So, you’re saying we can just template a template.

Dismissal received, loud and clear. :expressionless:

No, I’m saying include the logic in your original template… my god dude, relax.

Same here, –daemon and –pid-file are unrecognized, we need help :sob:

(homeassistant) daniel@xyz:/srv/homeassistant$ hass -v --config /home/daniel/.homeassistant --pid-file /var/run/hass/hass.pid --log-file /var/log/homeassistant/home-assistant.log --daemon
usage: hass [-h] [--version] [-c path_to_config_dir] [--safe-mode] [--debug] [--open-ui] [--skip-pip] [-v] [--log-rotate-days LOG_ROTATE_DAYS]
            [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--log-no-color] [--script ...] [--ignore-os-check]
hass: error: unrecognized arguments: --pid-file /var/run/hass/hass.pid --daemon


I understand you are frustrated and happy to chat with you more this, but see Legacy Nest - #7 by allenporter for the rationale behind the decision.

I’m pretty surprised at the reaction I have to admit. I set what I thought was a pretty reasonable time frame to give someone a chance to spin up a custom component. Do you think this won’t happen and nobody will volunteer to do this very straightforward task? I would do it (since it is pretty simple) but don’t want to give you the wrong expectation that I can maintain it given I don’t have a works with nest account. I am pretty surprised this qualifies at not putting thought into this given I’ve been maintaining this integration for the last year and a half without even having a works with nest account… It would be pretty a interesting sign to me if nobody found it worth the minimal effort to take over the existing code!

For example, someone is already working on a nest protect custom component prior to this.


I have a hard time understanding how you can have installed and managed a core installation and not be able to tackle this.

From a pure CLI, just use “nohup” or “screen” to achieve the same as “–daemon”.

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Thanks, I actually just used “screen” to run HA in background. After all I will look for better solution when I’ll have more time:)

A post was merged into an existing topic: I’m unhappy with the removal of GPIO

This appears to be fixed in 2022.2.3

I do not run my HA in a RPi , but i have Octoprint.
My solution for the cooling was a KSD-01F Temperature Switch. It is a hardware solution and it has been working for a couple of years now without any problems.
I just screwed the switch to a cooling block for the RPi CPU and glued it on there.


Mine isn’t showing stuff from spotify at all! I’ve gone to https://my.exampleurl.com/media-browser (this isn’t a real link, don’t click it) and all it shows there is “local” which no longer has the network share I mounted there, just “floppy”, “cdrom”, and “usb” and “xbox game media” which is always empty. Is that the wrong place? Do I have to do some special configuration to the spotify integration to make it work?