2022.3 - how to use text to speech on media device?

When will someone finally change it the way it was before? …
Change to a big minus …

I couldn’t get much of the above working. I’ve since worked out how to:
Use a drop down list to choose which speaker to send text to and
Add an input text box to be able to type a message.
Then I can use either an automation to trigger on input_text change event or a button to run this script:

  cache: false
  entity_id: "{{states('input_select.speaker_list')}}"
  message: "{{ states( 'input_text.speak_text' ) }}"

It says whatever I’ve typed in the text box on whatever speaker I’ve chosen. Very cool to send messages to the kids rooms. For some reason when I tell google to do it, it seems to cut off the first word or two and isn’t always very clear.

My input_select list looks something like:

  - media_player.upstairs
  - media_player.downstairs
  - media_player.kid1_s_room_speaker
  - media_player.kid2_s_room_speaker
  - media_player.all
  - media_player.office_speaker
  - media_player.lounge_speaker
editable: true
icon: mdi:speaker-wireless
friendly_name: Speaker list