2022.5: Streamlining settings

Ah, the 2 buttons at the bottom. Must have changed during beta

I use the sensor systemmonitor for that.
in configuration.yaml

under sensor somewhere
- platform: systemmonitor
    - type: processor_use
    - type: load_1m
    - type: memory_use
    - type: memory_free
    - type: disk_use_percent
    - type: disk_free

Added a chart to show the value, and that gives a nice indication. atleast some. :slight_smile:

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I checked and data was OK.
I finally solved it by removing the SQL integration, restarted and added the integration manually again.

Which version did you upgrade from?
In .3 this should be fixed so either remove the integration so it imports again or press configure and save the options and it should reload fine.

Noticed you wrote it’s fine now.

Tried with SELECT * FROM states WHERE state_id = (SELECT MAX(state_id) FROM states); and it works fine

For those who have temperature sensors that report in Celsius, and need to be converted to Fahrenheit; but after upgrading are now seeing these sensors reporting instead in Celsius…If your integration supports the following configuration parameters, try adding:

    device_class: 'temperature'
    state_class: 'measurement'

This works for MQTT sensors.
For my SNMP temperature sensor, these configuration parameters are not supported, so for now my SNMP sensor is not converting (issue here ).
I have also tried adding these parameters using customize: which, although adds these parameters to it attributes, is still is not performing the conversion.


Sorry, I have to disagree. The logs are now all in 1 place. Before you had to hunt and peck for each log. It’s simply now just

You know what would be excellent ?
Being able to see more than one type of log at a time which iirc the old system overview page had (or perhaps I am remembering that incorrectly ?).

Settings → System → Hardware → Reboot or Shutdown buttons at the bottom.

Thanks. Oddly enough the command pallet shortcut thing doesn’t seem to pick up on these “actions”.

Settings → System → upper right corner restart

This one just restarts the “ha” on the device right? (I think this one is available from the command pallet shortcut thing).

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You are. They had to be individually selected with a dropdown, and only one was shown at a time.

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Thank you for clarifying :slight_smile: .

Is anyone else seeing an issue with the NUT add-on since this HA release? My add-on has been failing to start the USB driver since updating to HA 2022.5.x

If others are seeing it too I’ll report it to the add-on author but want to make sure it isn’t just my install first.

Still working here (driver: usbhid-ups).

Working fine here but using the netxml driver


Since the update, the integration of my PV system via app daemon no longer works.

Please refer:
Help running a script via AppDaemon - #14 by Herbert01

What could that be?

Greetings Werner


did the answer relate to my question?
2022.5: Streamlining settings - #460 by TheHolyRoger

Unfortunately I don’t know netxml.
Can you help me what I need to do exactly?

Greeting Werner

No he was not replying to you I think.

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Where did the restart of Automation, Scripts, etc. go?
Was it removed?

Developer Tools → Yaml tab

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TTS Baase Url depricated but still shown in example documentation!
I’m getting pretty sick and tired of you breaking my installation!!!

Then please provide a correction. At the bottom of each page you find the corresponding links for that.


After upgrading to 2022.5.4 HA works again as it should.
So 2022.5.2 and 2022.5.4 boots up just fine in the container, but 2022.5.3 fails.