2023.10: New looks and more tile card features!

Hi everyone,
I am using HA core on a Raspberry Pi running on Debian 11. After the upgrade from 2023.8.1 to 2023.10.1 I got this error message

ImportError: libssl.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It looks like libssl.so.3 is only available in Debian 12 (bookworm) that has recently been released. Likely this version of libssl-dev could be installed on Debian 11 but only with a lot of effort (see HELP: Suddenly ImportError libssl.so.3: cannot open shared object file).
So it looks that the OS has to be upgraded in order to use the latest HA version. In the release notes it is not mentioned that there are dependencies.

I usually do frequent updates of HA, but it is not the first time in the past months that there are dependencies that canā€™t be fulfilled ā€œout of the boxā€ with an actual OS like Debian 11. I remember having an issue with a required ffmpeg version that wasnā€™t available from the repo and thus had to be manually compiled.
I think that Debian is one of the common distributions and would appreciate if more effort would be spent to maintain compatibility with actual distros.

Debian 12 was released on June 10th 2023. In the supervised architectural notes it is clearly stated:

Debian Linux Debian 12 aka Bookworm (no derivatives)
Only the above-listed version of Debian Linux is supported for running this installation method. When a new major version of Debian is released, the previous major version is dropped, with a deprecation time of 4 months.
So the 4 months has passed, and Debian 11 is not supported anymore.

It should be in the main release notes, just like Python deprecations are, since Debian is the officially supported OS. Not everyone runs Supervised and needs to be concerned with its changes. This affects Core too. Perhaps this was an unintentional oversight.

PS: Iā€™m already on Debian 12, so Iā€™m not affected.

EDIT: Debian is in fact not a hard dependency for HA Core. I would still recommend it though.


I always laugh at people who laugh at people who wipe their ip addresses.


Iā€™m having the same issue. Were you able to find a resolution?

Nope. No idea what to do here.

I wanted to see if anyone else has been having any problems with the Synology integration since the 2023.10 release on October 4? I upgraded to 2023.10 on October 5, and then to 2023.10.1 on October 6. Ever since I upgraded to 2023.10, my Synology become ā€˜unknownā€™ at least once a day with no obvious reason. I havenā€™t had much time to troubleshoot, but I was hoping someone may have some idea what may be happening?

You are a bit unfair and unreasonable in my view. Yes we all create a backup when we upgrade HA itself or any addon. You have to actually unselect it. So most should be able to revert to a previous version some weeks back.

But each backup takes a significant space and it is fair to assume that we all only keep backups for a reasonable time. The last Mosquitto version that is verified to be stable is 2.0.11 and Home Assistant upgrade to an assumed unstable version back in March. You cannot expect that we all keep backups of everything for this long. We are in October. This is 7 months ago.

I think it is a fair request that the addon gets reverted back to a stable version until a fixed version is available. I am not speaking for myself as I have Mosquitto on a Debian 12 box. I just get upset when people gets treated unfair


Harsh and unreasonable comment.
It is the devs fault that they forced an upgrade to an unsupported version of MQTT.


Well said. I usually keep old updates off host but only because I forget about them.

The space is an issue on one hand and on the other, the speed needed to backup a 3GB restore point is also a problem. On a NUC i5 Gen11, 32GB RAM and 4 cores allocated, it takes 20 mins. It seems to be limited by using a single thread for this process.

Sorry you feel that way. But I did explain what the very first section of the documentation (after installation) says you should be doing.

It is not unreasonable to keep the last backup of all your installed add-ons if you copy them elsewhere.

Also nine times out of ten an issue will show up right away, so you usually donā€™t even have to keep the backup that long.

Would it be nice if we had a versioning system that allowed downgrading of add-ons?

Yes. Yes it would. But we donā€™t. So please follow the advice in the documentation.


No, it doesnā€™t

The only thing that affects Core is the Python deprecation, you can run it on any OS that you can get Python 3.11 (shortly 3.12) and all the required packages running.

Thanks for the correction. I reread the docs and see the Debian requirement is specific to HA Supervised. I somehow always understood it was true for HA Core too. That said, to get dependencies built and installed, itā€™s probably advised and easiest to use Debian. Since it is supported for HA Supervised, your likelihood to get things running will probably be best on Debian.

Same issue +1, and I also went to Tile Card - Home Assistant but found nothing about this.

Unfortunately The newest update does not have the fix for MyQ, while MyQ got a updated python, the issue for MyQ is related to a user-agent string. the Python update didnā€™t fix mine. Weā€™ll have to see if the next update gets it. a full reboot did not correct it. Maybe I need to remove/add the integration again?

Oh man I was excited for this update but it blew up my entire HA install. HASS never started, Supervisor wouldnā€™t start and all my integrations were toast. Iā€™ll wait for some revisions. I highly suggest you take the time to do a full backup and maybe even a snapshot if youā€™ve got it in a VM so you can rollback easily.

There is no currently working MyQ version at the moment. Chamberlain changed things again yesterday.

Other platforms that have historically worked even when HA was broken are also reported broken this time.

Weā€™ll have to wait and see how this round of whack-a-mole goes.

Or do what I did and get a local solution.

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That hasnā€™t been anyone elseā€™s experience. Logs? Logs?

Seems a few people have this problem with every release, but usually only a few.

Obviously, itā€™s good advice to be prepared to restore if necessary. And be prepared to review (and post) logs. But Iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s another step we should all be doing.

I might start doing a full cold reboot before each update. HA runs 24/7 and I am often tinkering with it. Something could creep in which interferes with the next restart, whether I update or not. It would be helpful to know whether itā€™s the update, or something else, which caused the problem. Just a thought.

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I havenā€™t thought about it exactly like you, but i always check my core/supervisor logs before hitting install, so sometimes it has ā€œinspiredā€ me to reboot first, and if i still see ā€œErrorā€™sā€ (my default loglevel ), and itā€™s related to i.e 3rd-part (or other things, which i have not experienced problems from) i hit Install, and hope they are gone next time i check :grin:

EDIT: But your wording " Something could creep in " got my thinking/paranoid

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