2023.11 To-do: Add release title

Read the full release announcement here

So many things to do


The things achieved in the year of the voice are incredible - and it’s almost over.
The thing I am still missing is not to expose new entities by default, so whoever thinks the same please vote for my feature request.
@arturpragacz pointed out a hacky way for everyone who couldn’t wait for that, thank you!
But as the feature is already there, I really hope it gets a button in the UI for that :slight_smile:
edit: This release is very good, too!

Getting to the point were I eagerly await each new update. Thanks for all the work by the HA and NC teams. We’ll done!

I always have.

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Nice release! Thanks a lot! Been running the beta for a few versions, and haven’t experienced any issues (except for b1 and 2 :wink: )

To-do lists are a game changer! Very nice release!

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Wait, how can I put “Upgrade to 2023.11” on my To-do list without having upgraded to 2023.11 yet… But hey, I’ll upgrade anyway, well done everyone, thanks for the amazing work!

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Is it already possible to send custom ingredients to a shop list by saying… Add “Choco” to my shop list?

I’ve been using the Shopping List as a to-do list for a while now. This official support is so much nicer!! Thank you!

This update destroy my entire HA , i don’t know how but i don’t see anything in my dashboard now all my sensor has gone

The to-dos look great, but what is the format for a to-do card in yaml? or can they only be added thru the UI?

Come on, we need more than that … logs, logs, logs


The HomeKit Bridge now handles changes in the capabilities of devices and the removal/addition of devices automatically!

I’m not sure what this means. What are some real-world examples?

figured it out.

title: To Do List
type: todo-list
entity: todo.chores

My Roomba combo gives 2 errors at startup since 2023.11. I made a Github issue. Roomba integration gives 2 errors at startup in 2023.11 · Issue #103194 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Nice release!

Would be great if you can add other entity sensors to a tile. Consider this example:

  - type: horizontal-stack
      - entity: switch.greenwave_6_6
        type: tile
          - state
          - last-changed
      - entity: switch.greenwave_6_5
        type: tile
          - state
          - last-changed

Would be great if I can add sensor.greenwave_6_electric_consumption_w_6 to a tile.

now it is absolutely perfect and complete, it was what was missing for the complete management of a family with a to-do list. thanks for the good work done, now new automations are waiting for us.

OMG, new things that solve problems I’ve already been mickey mousing to achieve…so many choices now.

One question: Where do I put my todo list about setting up my todo lists? ;).