2024.5: Just a little bit smaller

Thank you again for a release which addresses some of the smaller - but annoying topics that bothered me for quite a while now… especially: renaming the entities for the energy dashboard (track single devices)… now, the graph finally looks nice without requireing to change the whole entity name or just reordering / selecting the features (programs) I want to use on my thermostats … :slight_smile:

Really great to see the progress of the last couple months now :slight_smile:

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have you tried to just power off your hardware?
I had similar issues in the past - but never really related to a specific version I updated.

When such things happened, after rebooting the whole system it came back - and updates could be done without issues.

I restarted many times but the problem persists. I don’t know what to do…

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Also here everything seems to be “broken”: HA restarts but never fully (“Wrapping up” message appears), and then is not reachable anymore via web interface.
Looking at logs right now…

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same here…

I finally somehow was able to restore the 2024.4.4 version by following this comment

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Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! :sparkler: :bowing_man:

Again, some really nice changes/additions that makes HA fantastic!
I’m really glad that, when I was at the point to start with home automation, that I went for HA.
This is such a wonderful piece of software which just keeps getting better and better all the time.


I keep seeing flashing in the terminal window sh: “ha: not found but nothing happens… trying to reboot once more…
first time having any such problem with HA…

thanks for this! I also managed somehow to go back to 2024.4.4… Let’s wait for 2024.5.1 at least…

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I just updated from the last 2024.5 beta with no issues.

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Great update. Loving the data table additions.

I wonder why filters were not added to this “stored settings”?

I have made some progress by individually reloading each of my Shelly integrations (all 38 of them). After the reload they came right, and stayed online. I have since done a full reboot of the HA machine and everything has come back…and stayed back the way I expect it all to be. :slight_smile:

Strict Connections?

Yes that was pulled from the release.

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Great, now look in your /config folder and find the file home-assistant.log.1 to see what went wrong.

There is an open issue with a linked PR for matter


Let us know how that works out and with which roborock. I am 96% sure I will be getting roborocks, just not sure which version.

First HA upgrade failure in quite some time… tried going from 2024.4.4 to 2024.5.0 today
Python3 out of memory errors on the HA OS screen (screenshot below), tried rebooting, tried increasing available RAM, no luck.
Restore didn’t work either, kept complaining about it being a partial restore (the one which was done automatically when launching the upgrade!)
Ended up working by manually choosing the HA version and rebooting.

ha core update --version 2024.4.4 

My advice - take a manual, FULL backup, download it and keep it in case this upgrade goes badly for you

AND, Observer said everything was fine the whole time! (it was not!)

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A lot of people learning the harsh reality that you should always wait for the X.1 update before upgrading in any major release lol


I personally always wait for .2! Have been bitten before when a release had something I really wanted badly.