You missed to mention new UI configuration for LCN integration.
…I was awaiting for a while for this one
I tried both “Yale” and “Yale Home” from the list, and both seem to direct to the same login flow (below), and neither accept my usual Yale Access account info, which works on both August and Yale Access apps.
What region of the world are you in? It seems some regions may have been migrated to the Yale Home accounts, and other regions (USA/NA) are still on Yale Access only.
I tried them all and none accept my username and password??? I reinstalled the August integration and it works.
Nice! Good stuff. Finally was confident enough to convert all my Views into Sections.
The only thing missing now is:
- The ability to lock position of sections
(Force browser/devices to work around cards instead of other way around.) - Move 2 sections in a vertical space.
(For example: 3 sections. 2 columns. #1 = 20 items. #2 - 5 items. #3 = 5 items. #3 will always be under #20)
Thats what I’m thinking, too. I can update records in DB, but I’ll need to recalculate the graph for the last 24 hours. Could be handled by some magic inside that I’m not aware of.
Is the background picture you use on the youtube stream available? Would be nice to use that in my new (big) sections dashboard
edit: I should not use direct names for questions, removed this
Super excited to see the Roth Touchline SL integration.
Sadly at first try I get an error:
Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
First occurred: 23:21:55 (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 23:34:15
Error setting up entry [my_user_name] for touchline_sl
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 604, in async_setup
result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/touchline_sl/", line 29, in async_setup_entry
TouchlineSLModuleCoordinator(hass, module) for module in await account.modules()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytouchlinesl/", line 66, in modules
data = await self._client.modules()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pytouchlinesl/client/", line 98, in modules
return [AccountModuleModel(**m) for m in resp]
File "pydantic/", line 341, in pydantic.main.BaseModel.__init__
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for AccountModuleModel
none is not an allowed value (type=type_error.none.not_allowed)
I am using the exact same username and password I use to log into and the documentation doesn’t seem to be that good yet, so I’m not sure what to do from here?
I’m in Sweden, and was migrated to “Yale home” a long time ago, maybe that’s why.
Yahoo! Full width Cards, I can now re-create my dashboard the way I want with a title card!!
my MariaDB database has a recorder set up for 900 days. Size is about 12GB
this migration is running for the fifth time, it fails because the available disk space is not enough. Looks like it requires at least the same 12GB to complete the migration.
This is a terrible idea. 30 days max.
If you want data that goes back further use LTS (set a valid state_class for your sensors) or set up a long term time series DB like InfluxDB.
Even for a default SQLite?
Why? Just because it needs lot of space?
Or migration will take lot of time & will need a lot of free space?
I would agree that it could be not crucial to know EXACT (not statistical) value of some “temperature” on 01.01.2022; but in SOME scenarios like “show me my track in London from 01.01.2020” could be useful.
- Size
- Not a time series DB, not suited for this amount of data, will probably cause performance issues.
The default is 10 days for a reason.
If you want state data that goes back a long way
i.e. only performance issues.
If someone wants to have 900 days recorded & if he/she provided a powerful hardware setup - then he/she would expect a smooth operability.
Read the rest:
That’s it. Nothing further.
FYI, the link to the nest integration 2024.9 blog post goes to a 404 (, but likely should go to Google Nest - Home Assistant
edit I tried my first pull request to fix this, but I am unsure how to do this. Maybe if someone smarter than me achieves it, you can detail how you did it!
Just wanted to say thanks for removing the binary sensor for “Update available” for the TP-Link Smart Home integration, this did cause me some issues and I appreciate you keeping on top of these things.
Keep up the great work and thanks for keeping our home schedules private and out of particular companies clouds where possible, I hated knowing that I was contributing to Philips Hue’s statistics amongst others, its great that my hue integration is no longer in the cloud and I no longer have to worry about people making pie charts of what time I tuned on the bathroom light, or how many times the lights were turned on during the night and at what time and for how long, now I feel safe knowing my peeing habits are no longer making people any money. Look forward to the day Hive is no longer reliant on the cloud.
Also I’m looking forward to getting my Home Assistant’s Assist to believe it’s from Alien and is the actual computer called MU-TH-UR 6000 from the Nostromo. That will be very cool.
Thanks guys and girls for this great project in the name of privacy…
Thanks for the update, HA team. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate the direction HA is moving in, with the foundation, the certifications, and even an apparently small thing like the open source compliance check in this update. Staying and even improving on the straight and narrow!
And all the while making things easier for the less tech-savvy, and better-looking too. Great work.