2024.9: Sections go BIG

Hi, I need Sections go SMALL :slight_smile: I have a dashboard on a 7’ tablet with 3 columns defined. but in the tablet, the 3rd column is moved to a new row. I made the cards inside the sections smaller but that just leaves bigger gaps between the section columns. Any way to fix?


Am I only the one having this issue? Tried clearing cache, but same issue.

I have a 4-core Intel machine with an SSD and haven’t had any problems with Home Assistant + MariaDB until today.
The only thing is that my VM keeps growing. To perform this migration it went from about 56 to 72GB.

I like to have yearly graphs and think that someday historical data may become useful for AI or other research.

Thanks for your answer. Love home assistant!

I wonder if there will ever be a victron integration

I have an automation that sets an alarm to my phone when you say “Set an alarm in X minutes”, I have exposed it to LLMs, but it does not work with any, seems like they do not know how to replace the X or something.
I tried with creating a script that sets the alarm in one minute, so they use the timing functionality, but it does not seem to work neither, sometimes it answers that it is not possible to set timer for the device, or they set the alarm in one minute, so they just run the script.

You’ll need to create a set of custom intent scripts to get that to work.

FYI you should never have to restart for frontend changes to take effect. Only refreshing cache. The frontend lives in your browser.


I have some automations which play sound (MP3 Media) on Apple Homepod mini. After the update no more sound playing (even if it says „Action run successfully“).
I restored my daily backup and it works fine again.
The issue is reproduceable: I did the update again —> no sound
Restored my backup again: works fine

UPDATE: I just installed 2024.9.1 and issue no longer exists

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Great thanks for your help Chris I’m glad Hive still works for you, and thanks for being such a helpful human being. As mentioned it works for me too as I rolled back.

All my sensors are report back in English now?
“Zuhause” is "Home, other sensors are on/off instead of any translation that was present before the update…
Did i miss something?
UPDATE: As usual users fault - clearing cache did the trick, all back to normal :slight_smile:

I’m not seeing the untracked energy at all. Is there a setting that needs to be enabled?

For me, it took a little waiting after the reboot and some refreshes before it appeared.

Look for the hidden entities might be there

I did the upgrade yesterday, I think that should be plenty of time for that to appear…

The first thing I looked for myself after upgrading was the untracked consumption, and I remember it not being there. I then watched the release livestream, and during watching that and refreshing the energy dashboard page it suddenly was there - I didn’t enable anything. I suppose you tried clearing browser cache etc?

Nice! The ability to just control those gaps natively (similar to PowerToys Fancyzones) would be awesome.


No; didn’t find it

The only reason I can think of it would not be there is if you do not have any grid or solar sensors.

HA needs to be able to calculate the whole house load before it can derive the untracked consumption from that.

Do you have grid sources, or some other power source?

Otherwise it’s maybe just a cache clearing issue. There’s no setting to enable or disable this.

Hi @NathanCu, thanks for your answer, but I’m not sure how to do that.

I had this automation that was working fine with the normal intents:

alias: Alarm
description: This automation activates the phone alarm in 'time_amount' minutes.
  - platform: conversation
      - Set the alarm in {time_amount} minuts
condition: []
  - data:
      message: command_activity
        intent_action: android.intent.action.SET_ALARM
        intent_extras: >-
          {% set alarm_time = now() +
          timedelta(minutes=trigger.slots.time_amount|int) %} {{
          'android.intent.extra.alarm.HOUR:' ~ alarm_time.hour|string ~
          ',android.intent.extra.alarm.MINUTES:' ~ alarm_time.minute|string ~
          ',android.intent.extra.alarm.SKIP_UI:true' }}
    action: notify.mobile_app_xxx
  - set_conversation_response: The alarm will ring in {{trigger.slots.time_amount}} minutes.
mode: single

So I tried this in my configuration file:

    description: Set the alarm in the phone (in minutes)
      text: Alarm set in {{ trigger.slots.time_amount }} minutes
      action: notify.mobile_app_xxx
        message: command_activity
          intent_action: android.intent.action.SET_ALARM
          intent_extras: >-
            {% set alarm_time = now() + timedelta(minutes=trigger.slots.time_amount|int) %} {{
            'android.intent.extra.alarm.HOUR:' ~ alarm_time.hour|string ~
            ',android.intent.extra.alarm.MINUTES:' ~ alarm_time.minute|string ~
            ',android.intent.extra.alarm.SKIP_UI:true' }}

Following the documentation from: Intent Script - Home Assistant
But I can’t see how the LLM is supposed to pass the variable ‘time_amount’ to the intent_script.

It seems that Yale Access Bluetooth can’t fetch offline keys from new Yale (Home) integration, as it used to with August integration. Any suggestions?

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