2025.1: Backing Up into 2025!

Kinda disappointed that the ready PR has not been merged for Ecowitt integration. Someone wrote it to add rain detection, but since November there is nothing happening.


I would also wish for that, because the backup ends up on my NAS, which is turned off at night.

First, a big thank you for working on and improving the backup system!

Making backups portable is a huge improvement as I’m planning to move from a docker install to HAOS in a VM in the near future.

I’m conflicted about mandatory encryption for backups though. It’s easy to shoot yourself in the foot if you forget where you put the key. I’m generally very diligent with secrets management, but having to keep track of another secret could be a burden for some.

Maybe a middle ground would be to let users choose a password from which the encryption key is derived? This way you could for example re-use the password for your admin account.

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Yes, something similar happened to me during the beta testing phase. It was actually the other way around. I backed up a 25.1 version, messed up my VM through my own fault, restored a snapshot with 24.12, but could not restore the 25.1 version from that. Had to first upgrade to 25.1 manually. I reported this in the discord but did not create an issue for it because I had been too busy getting things working again to remember the exact steps (and didn’t want to do it again to check for reproducibility!)

Your experience and mine seem to strongly suggest there is a cross-compatibitily issue of pre and post 25 versions in the backups. That sort of defeats the purpose of a backup.


You have error about adapter.
adapter: zstack
after port:
in configuration
Save and restart addon

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I made a feature request about changing the time:

It shows like that for me also, but not sure why there is a question? It is not looking wrong/strange to me.


This is another deprecated unit that’s finally been removed. Seems you now need UnitOfPower.WATT ?

I’ve probably grabbed files less than 10 times over my lifetime use of HA.

Going off memory:

  1. I screwed up config_entries once by editing helpers because there’s no mass way to replicate them quickly from the UI.

  2. I’ve screwed up some automations that was not included in my source control. This only happens when I make a mistake with my source control, or when I’m making changes to a new feature (template entity, automation, script, etc) that I haven’t backed up yet.

    It sometimes takes a few days to get the new feature right and I usually don’t include it in source control until it’s at a production version.

  3. Retreiving deleted (and forgotten) credentials & information that I put in secrets.yaml. I don’t have this in source control, so I have no choice but to rely on backups.

  4. Grabbing a working version of history when the current one get’s corrupted.

I avoid restoring at all costs, the process takes way too long and offers no feedback while restoring. I only use the backups to piecemeal configuration, or restore single addons. Anything more keeps the system down for entirely too long.

I think a good compromise would be an option to store unencrypted backups locally, I understand this may require HA to create 2 local backups initially (1 encrypted, 1 not) and it may not be ideal, however a small disclaimer saying that would suffice.


Modbus integration for huawei smartlogger was broken on this release, I’ve errors like this:

2025-01-04 13:03:35.243 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.modbus.modbus] Pymodbus: huaweismartlogger: Error: device: 0 address: 40575 -> Exception Response(131, 3, IllegalValue)
2025-01-04 13:03:35.253 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.modbus.modbus] Pymodbus: huaweismartlogger: Error: device: 0 address: 40532 -> Exception Response(131, 3, IllegalValue)

example of the config file:

    - name: SmartLogger Power Factor
      unique_id: smartlogger_power_factor
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      device_class: power_factor
      data_type: int16
      scale: 0.001
      precision: 3
      #offset: 0
      address: 40532
      scan_interval: 30
      slave: 0
      input_type: holding

sure it does, it has already been configured… this looks like a new install

As I can see the only modbus device that stop working is the one with the slave id 0.

  • Almost never. My routine backup procedure includes copying any changes in the \config directory to a mirrored directory on my NAS. I also save “old” copies of key files before making changes to them.
  • See above. I really can’t foresee a need to ever open them.
  • I’ve done this a couple of times in the past 5 years.
  1. The recent CrowdStrike fiasco is an example of why you don’t release major updates early, without solid testing in multiple environments and user feedback.

  2. Frankly there isn’t a good track record there. Highly-voted FR’s languish for years with no attention, then changes no-one asked for are implemented. Users raising concerns here are often treated dismissively or even sniped at.

  3. Encrypted backups are a great idea. I think anyone seeing that in the roadmap would be supportive. Removing the option to create unencrypted backups wouldn’t have been so well received. And from what I hear, that feedback was already sent, but not acted upon.


Hmmm… indeed when you press the “Configure” button the text in the dialog indeed seems to imply that it is being setup from scratch while the stick is setup and running fine.


A couple of months back I switched firmware from Zigbee to Thread and I just selected the other one and did not read the text properly, but I expect it was the same then already, so I don’t think it is new.

But that dialog/text could probably be improved.

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Tom, that’s only you because you keep pushing this us-vs-them thing. And I will continue to remind you that your posts are out of line with that train of thought.

Just compare my response to @madelena to yours. I’m not a huge fan of the encryption on local files, however I just provide my feedback. No backhanded comments on how things are ran, no backhanded comments about not hearing feedback. Just feedback. If you did this, you’d never hear a peep from me.


First of all, thank you for the volunteer work in creating this great home automation system and keeping it up to date. :slight_smile:

However, this is the first time I feel the need to express a complaint about the backup system. While it’s great to have an option to encrypt backups and even have it enabled by default IF the backup is being stored in the Nabu Casa Cloud, this should not be enforced for local backups or backups to our own NAS, OneDrive, Google Drive, or iCloud. For these types of backups, it should be our own responsibility to ensure security. I understand that Nabu Casa aims to avoid potential security issues, but local backups are a different matter.

As you can see from discussions across forums worldwide, users are not happy about this enforced encryption.

Additionally, there is no option to change the backup time. I do not want backups to run at 4:45 in the morning, as I am often awake at that time. I would prefer to schedule backups for the middle of the night.

Lastly, a minor point: the German translation is missing. This isn’t an issue for me personally, but I thought it worth mentioning.

So I recommend/wish for:

  • An option to disable encryption (at least for all backups other than those to the Nabu Casa Cloud)
  • An option to change the backup time
  • An option to set your own encryption key/password

I’m sorry if anything I said sounded “backhand.” I certainly didn’t intend it that way. I try to just call 'em as I see 'em.

Your response to @madelena was excellent. Thank you for saying things better (and more diplomatically) than I did. I do appreciate your honest and helpful approach on this forum.

I have used the phrase us-vs-them a few times. Maybe you could construe that as pushing that idea. But it’s a concern I feel is important we all understand, and try to avoid. As I said, I’ve seen that attitude before and I see signs of it developing here. The fact that every post questioning project decisions gets immediate and forceful negative responses only bolsters my argument.

For the record, I feel confident that the message from the user community about enforced encryption has been received and will be acted on. I only wish the process could have been more collaborative and less divisive. This is a distraction none of us want.


Please understand that my goal as a moderator is to let users speak their mind without starting a flame war against whoever added a feature. Many features are not added by the core development team (this one is an exception), but volunteer users like yourself.

There should be no ‘us vs them’ mentality. HA has added a number of employees over the past 3 years specifically to address the average users concerns.


yes, thats exactly what happens, and what I have reported in the 2025.1 beta period.

imho, this is not a matter of improving the dialog alone, the frontend seems out of touch with the backend here which is why I raised it in Frontend config/hardware says SkyConnect is not yet configured, but it is · Issue #23560 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

Is there any options to increase cloud storage? 5GB is not enough, my backup is 16GB and growing…