2025.1: Backing Up into 2025!

I do like to have an automated system to create backups, and also the cloud backup in NC. I expect new functionality in the future to change time or to create several automations with different configuration.

For example: one automated full backup setup to save in HA and in my NAS. And other automated partial backup setup, excluding InfluxDB, to save it in NabuCasa.

My concern about the other admin users is that they click the change key encryption button without having the consideration of communicating and saving the new key.


yeah, but this community will only be 2% of the userbase…
even if the Facebook community and the other channels (Reddit, Discord, Instagram etc) are counted, well maybe 4%?


I think that responses from 2% of the population is stilll a high percentage in terms of surveying.

1% will often yield results with only a +/- 5% margin of error.

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So how one knows the needs of the rest of the userbase?

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Ask 3 lawyers and get 5 different opinions on that topic. You are lawyer number 4 :sweat_smile:

The GDPR laws requests:

implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure personal data.

And what could be a more appropriate technical solution other than encryption @maxym?

Or more precise GDPR Art. 32 [Security of processing] (1)a

1. Taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the controller and the processor shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including inter alia as appropriate:
(a) the pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data;

dont ask me, ask the CM if you must know.

I only mentioned 2%, because in some other topic I read that 98% of the users just click ok and are happy with the defaults.
But even that was a wild guess, so might not be the best argument to persuade either side.


found the 98%

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I have recommended some friends and relatives with less technical background to use HA in the past. I also suggested them to subscribe to NC to make it easier and support it. They will never read this channel but rely on me. So I have actually become their maintainer and stand here as a multiple subscriber.
And I am speechless reading all this here, especially after watching the beta channel too.
But I hope there will be a real “lessons learned” approach.


Where is encryption mentioned in GDPR?
You said that the encryption is forced by GDPR in EU. I’m saying it’s not true.

The security of data might be achieved different ways. We have mentioned them in further discussion.

First, I only wanted to highlight the qualitative differentiation between “HA is / the Community says” and “some users like”.

Second: what would then be to consider serious users/community feedback (either positive or negative), if forum + discord + reddit + Facebook isn’t? And for absolute counts, I think we cant set installations = users. I have e.g. three different machines/installations here.

So, I think it’s hard to estimate. But my message wasn’t meant to go that much into detail. It was only itching me, where the qualitative differentiation comes from.

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That depends if you use the hw backed crypto that can be considered broken in many SSDs (as linked before) or you are using something proper like LUKS2. For the later you obviously don’t need to have your files (again) encrypted - but it still might come in handy for the moment you want to restore it from a usb stick for example (and the knowledge that you can’t physically delete files from flash storage :warning:)

TL;DR: Just encrypt everything :closed_lock_with_key:

and let just don’t forget,
because of this new Zoom function in history graphs I found a critical issue in one of my sensors. I probably would never have found this without zooming :partying_face:. The date-time selector could do the trick but ofc, but I never took the time to select the exact minute stuff was failing.

one remark here, If I have a range from 0 to 40 and zo zoom from 20 to 30 and then want to go to 30 to 40 I cannot grep the graph, I first have to reset the values.


Please don’t use partial quotes from me - suggesting that I believe in an encrypted file on an encrytped harddrive.

Makes me look like a complete dork!

98% of statistics are made up


Sure, I hear you.
But never mind. Those numbers will never be a reliable guide, as there’s no clear indication of what they actually represent in terms of development direction.

Personally, I try to go with the flow of the development. I’m grateful for some of the progress, changes, and efforts being made, though I do raise an eyebrow at some of the other developments. Sometimes highlighting those. Or just leave it be.

I also try to contribute, even though, as I learned in this discussion, we are a community that sometimes seems to need babysitting. I hope that was just a one-off, though. Or my complete lack of understanding the context.

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I hope you don’t mind that I come back to this, because it’s the kind of thing I’ve heard before, and it would be easy to misunderstand the significance, and dismiss everything that’s said on this forum. I believe that would be a mistake.

When I worked in customer-facing roles, I was taught that for every customer who complains, there were 10 (or 100, depending on who you ask) who went away disappointed and will never come back. I won’t vouch for the actual percentage, but the point is clear. Not everyone will speak up when they’re dissatisfied.

And of course the 98% (or whatever number you pick) who are not on this forum aren’t here to voice their opinion one way or the other. The best we can to is extrapolate. If the vast majority of users who have voiced their opinion have concerns with some change, it’s safe to assume that the vast majority of all users share those concerns.

But I’ll go one step further and say that the users here (or on the other platforms you mention) are self-selected to be, on average, more committed to HA and its success than those who don’t bother. So it makes sense that when they raise concerns, those concerns should be taken seriously.

We’re all in this together. We need to listen to each other and work collaboratively. Dismissing hundreds of posts as “just 2%” doesn’t further that goal.


Even if you were to extrapolate the numbers you’re saying here:

248 people in this thread (assuming they are all upset), x10 is 2480 (x100 24800) out of a known 445099 (without taking account that we expect this to be 1/3 of total installs), is roughly 0.0055, or 0.55% for 10x and 5.5% for 100x. Which in both cases, realistically is below 2% when you account for actual installs and actual upset numbers in the thread.

Regardless of the percentages, Nabu Casa is still paying attention.


I just noticed today that there is no prompt to auto-backup before any upgrade. I have no idea why that would have been removed. The entire purpose of backing up is to restore to previous versions if there is an issue and now that doesn’t even prompt for a backup?

Sorry, but it sounds like the community was ignored on lots of these issues which is unfortunate, Hopefully that is rectified going forward and these “decisions” are not made inside a small bubble of people.

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Yes, that was mentioned above. Quite a lot of times :wink:

I know it’s a hella long thread, but it’s really worth reading as everything you’ve posted about has been mentioned and/or responded to.


TLDR; the devs are reconsidering, and this might takes some time


Sorry, yes very long thread mostly regarding backup on several levels. I think the key here is allowing options. Nothing should be forced and options/flexability should be of high importance. I would think the major complaints could be solved with a simple toggle/option and/or prompt.

  1. Encryption for backups (off/on) toggle.
  2. Prompting for backing up before any core or addon/integration upgrade.