2025.1: Backing Up into 2025!

Thanks for this, I did try to provide a folder path on first try, but it failed for some other reason - the logs weren’t specific about why the connection couldn’t be made so I assumed it wasn’t possible to supply a folder path because when removed it all connected just fine.

I upgraded from 2024.12.4 to 2025.1.2 and got a log full of protobuf errors. Has anybody seen this?

Jan 12 11:46:38 homeassistant hass[2578865]: google.protobuf.runtime_version.VersionError: Detected incompatible Protobuf Gencode/Runtime versions when loading google/protobuf/descriptor.proto: gencode 5.29.2 runtime 5.28.3. Runtime version cannot be older than the linked gencode version. See Protobuf version guarantees at https://protobuf.dev/support/cross-version-runtime-guarantee.

The changelog notes the change, but I cannot find any other information or mentions of this.

It seems to have broken my Shelly and ESPHome device comms.

I’ve downgraded to 2024.12.4, which temporarily resolved the issue.

I run HA core.

$ python --version
Python 3.13.1

OS/host details:

$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

@bdraco looping you in, since I cannot comment on the PR on GitHub.

So, I’ve taken the plunge and upgraded from 2024 to 2025.1.2.

Aside from the backups, I like all the other changes and new features - especially the label filtering in tables, which was my WTH.

In my opinion, the backup option was well intentioned. For novice users and users who do not have the IT savvy to put backup at the top of their list of priorities, it’s probably a huge improvement.

But, as a seasoned IT person, I shall stick with Google Drive Backup until either:

  • GDB stops working; or
  • the enctyption issue, update backup toggle, and general functionality of the native backup system are improved.

Now I just need to remember to make my own backups before updating something :frowning:


I see it differently. Especially for beginners, removing the backup option before an update is actually quite dangerous and a clear step backwards.

  1. You doesn’t use backup. 2 The SO typical "If you don’t like what they have done, stop complaining or stop using it.

How should anything be improved with such an attitude like yours and why comment at all if you doesn’t use it. Getting hurt on behalf of the developers doesn’t give you any credits here and that the only noise you added with your comment.


Yeah right.
You are picking on the wrong guy. I didn’t make that decision.
You have only 2 solutions. You can use whatever nabu casa made to be used with backups or you can set up your own backup solution.
In my point of view it is better to set up your own backup solution and don’t relay on in house solution.

It seems like the last ~30ish posts are from the same small handful of people. I realize some of you may have a passion for this feature, but we should really let other people share their opinion.


Agreed but, I was thinking of this change as something a bit separate from the automated backup system itself.

Forever retention for automatic backups doesn’t seem to work for me, they only keep 2 and I just looked and I only have 1 automatic backup left, the others are deleted

I am with @templeton_nash. 2025.1.2 appears to be working fine here; I haven’t checked every one of my hundred integrations and add-ons.

The automated, encrypted backups are probably a plus for the average user who rarely makes backups in the first place. As long as my local backups to my NAS are unencrypted, I don’t see an issue. As @ChipMIK says, if you don’t like the new backup system, don’t use it.

So much smoke over the backup overhaul seems to have obscured all of the other new features. (Also the shortest list of breaking changes that I have seen in, ever?)

I am certain that by now the devs have received the message about communicating. (“Overhaul” may have been triggering). Unless you have an issue with something not working, cool it about the overhauled backup system.


immediate backup of add-on to be updated doesn’t work. It’s not even this. It has been removed.

BTW: why new backup system is not distributed in form of add-on? I think it deserves to be separate component. And if there is a premise, that user can chose between a few several backup systems, they all could be add-ons with equal rights.
Currently it reminds me the situation from before 20y ago, when Internet Explorer was the default browser, integrated with the system so deeply, that it wasn’t possible to uninstall it.


Do you remember what happened next? Netscape gave its code to linux comunity and that eventually created firefox.

So that it can work with core and container.


it happened because it was not able to compete with IE (because of IE monopoly)


Add-ons do that too, don’t they?
I’m not saying everything should be extracted from core/supervisor. there should be api allowing execution all certain operations (like today). But encryption, scheduling, communication with particular storage/cloud could be moved out to an add-on

addons do not work with core and container installations.

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I have a feeling we don’t understand each other.
Google backup is the addon.

You asked this.

I’m telling you why the new system is not an addon: Because it needs to work with core and container.

I’m not sure how we can be talking about 2 different things when you asked the question using the phrase “new backup system”.


It seems that since 2025.1 a lot of integrations are no longer compatible for me (Daikin, LocalTuya etc…) so I will pass until this is fixed.

what is so special in the new backup system then?
And why devs say that we can still use old backup solutions not loosing anything?
If those solutions still work, the new backup system can be made analogically