2025.1: Backing Up into 2025!


This is what we wanted to hear - clear communication.


is this link dead?

Dammit, yes, hang on.


haha, sure, glad itā€™s not Safari this time :wink:


Fixed, thanks. No idea what happened thereā€¦

EDIT: wait wait wait nope. Wrong URL now. x.x

EDIT 2: OKAY FIXED phew gg Missy.


yep, now it is the right one, looking good!

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Thank you for the communication Missy @MissyQ :heart_eyes:


From my perspective this update is validating of my concerns and demonstrates the teamā€™s willingness to listen to end users.

Iā€™ll also add that sometimes feedback in writing is received differently than the authors intentions. Itā€™s easy for hot button issues to escalate quickly and unintentionally, simply because this medium isnā€™t the most conducive for these types of debates/conversations.

We often times only hear about the negative aspects of a new implementation because the positive parts require no input.

This is a positive direction for this specific feature and the efforts of the development team are most certainly appreciated. Home assistant takes the cake when it comes to home automation, hands down. It takes a solid team to bring a platform to this point.

I look forward to additional details when they become available.

Thank you.


Thanks for more or less confirming what I had suspected and stated in either this thread or one of the other ones that this release spawned on the topic of Backups. Iā€™m old enough that I know to expect missing pieces of a project to show up in the next patch, even if they should have been included in the current build.

Thanks for the clear and concise update, youā€™ve done a cracking job maintaining order.

If this thread shows one thing, it shows how passionate people are about Home assistant, which is great thing really.


I know!
I had multiple backups, but without the password, they were useless!!
Thatā€™s my issue with this.

Actually Home Assistant is the first home automation program that I use that I did not develop myself.
I got involved in home automation in the late 70ā€™s (I bought some BSR-X10 switches, and programmed my Heathkit H8 to control them), after that, I have been migrating and re-writing the software as I needed it.
A few years ago, I read about HA and decided to try it.
So, Iā€™m bringing my 40 something years of experience and making some suggestions about something that I actually have some experience with.


So in other words, to use the new ā€œ1 click easy backupā€, you have to install KeyPass to back up your passwords, then you have to install Syncthing to back up the KeyPass database, and hope that a few years from now when you might need that password, you are still using KeyPass, and that its database still contain the password that you saved a few years ago, and had never used.
How about being able to save a local backup of HA without encryption, much easier :wink:.
By the way, I do use Syncthing to back up my phone, and it works, but it was not the easiest thing to install or to set up, and I donā€™t recommend it for the non-technical HA user.


All good news Missy. Thanks.

One thing that I did not see mentioned, has any thought been given to generating events or creating an entity to provide feedback on the automatic backup started/success/fail status for us to generate notifications?


Sorry, my comment was relating to password managers and their usage in general, outside of the scope of the backup functionality of HA 2025.1, so technically off-topic (which was why I was hesitant to post my reply).

Iā€™m in agreeance regarding the local encryption of the HA backup, but didnā€™t feel the need to add another voice to that pile when I was only really speaking on password managers generally.

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Thanks for the update, Missy ā€“ this sounds like the best possible outcome :pray:.

Looking forward to the next release! :partying_face:

PS: Apart from the beaten-to-death, and now resolved, issues, should any further suggestions wait until the Beta thread? I have a suggestion for mitigating Thundering-herd issues, but will wait for the Beta thread if thatā€™s the appropriate place :slight_smile:

That is directly addressed in Missyā€™s post:

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For sure next time (now?) you know better and you will also backup your passwords :+1: