2025.2 Beta Backup changes

Just a quick note to say thank you for this change. I was pretty furious about being forced to encrypt my local backups-to the point where I was ready to stop supporting the HA project financially. This is a welcome reversal!


Alright, everyone, that’s a wrap for this thread! Your feedback was incredibly helpful this past week - I am going to work on ensuring that there is a Beta thread here every month now to allow y’all who are not a member of the Discord server a chance to offer valuable insight. :grinning:

If you have feedback about anything that was released in 2025.2, please head over to the blog thread specific for this release to continue the conversation.

One last note: THANK YOU. Thank you for your feedback, compliments on how this situation was handled, and everything in between. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: We seriously cannot do this without your input - please keep it coming and keep it healthy. :clap:t2: