24h precipitation forecast / 24u buienradar buienalarm

Hi Ingrid
thanks for this project! One question about buienalarm, the graph remains at 0, so no data is shown in the graph.
The rain radar does work.
any idea what this is related to?

the sensor works and gives data in the attributes:

Hi 1mfaasj,
This is just the data that is published by buien alarm, they predict it won’t rain :slight_smile: .

This is the data on their website. No rain!

And this is from the buien radar website, they do predict light rain.

– Ingrid

1 Like

ah I thought if one expects it, so does the other. but then it will just work I guess. thanks for your quick response!

And here are some styles:
Fixing the padding or the card, the title is now the same as others. And the tooltip is a little more compact.

style: |
  ha-card #graph {
    margin: 3px 10px;
  ha-card .apexcharts-canvas * {
    font-family: var(--ha-card-font-family, inherit) !important;
  ha-card #header__title {
    color: var(--ha-card-header-color, --primary-text-color);
    font-size: var(--ha-card-header-font-size, 24px);
    padding-top: 10px;
    font-weight: normal;
  ha-card .apexcharts-tooltip * {
    line-height: 0.5;
    font-size: 12px !important;

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I’m watching the buienalarm sensor for a week now but it stays on 0.
It’s quite rainy today and when I look at Buienalarm Den Haag - Weersverwachting en buien radar - Buienalarm it shows data.

Am I missing something?

  - sensor:
      name: weather buienalarm direct
      unique_id: weather_buienalarm_direct
      command: python3 -c "import requests; import json; import random; dataRequest = requests.get('https://cdn-secure.buienalarm.nl/api/3.4/forecast.php?lat=52.07667&long=4.29861&region=nl&unit=mm%2Fu',headers={'Cache-Control':'no-cache'}).text; dataRequest = dataRequest.replace('\r\n',' '); data = '{\"data\":'+dataRequest+'}'; print(data);"
        - data
      value_template: "last_changed: {{states.sensor.weather_buienalarm_direct.last_changed | default(now())}}"
      scan_interval: 240 #4min

The sensor works I guess:

So it turns out my “new” data source has been stale for over 2 years .

Will have to go back to finding a good data source. Up to now I only found webscrapers, no data end-pints.

During Christmas break, I’m going to (try to) find out which source the app on my phone uses. Nice project :nerd_face:.

To be continued.
— Ingrid

1 Like

Hi everyone,

I tried to make buienradar gspgadget to work in Homeassistant but until now I didn’t manage to make it a succes.

website (https://gpsgadget.buienradar.nl/data/raintext?lat=51.46&lon=3.55)

I’ve got this sensor in my command_line.yaml

  - sensor:
      name: buienradar_gpsgadget
      command: python3 -c "import requests; import json; import random; dataRequest = requests.get('https://gpsgadget.buienradar.nl/data/raintext?lat=51.46&lon=3.56&c='+str(random.randint(0,999999999999999))).text; dataRequest = dataRequest.replace('\r\n',' '); data = '{\"data\":\"'+dataRequest+'\"}'; print(data);"
        - data
      value_template: "last_changed: {{states.sensor.weather_buienradar_direct.last_changed | default(now())}}"
      scan_interval: 300

I looked around on this forum and found and tweaked a little bit in the template-editor

{% set value = state_attr('sensor.buienradar_gpsgadget','data') %}

{% set data = value.split() %}
{% set value = namespace(list=[]) %}
{% for n in data %}
{% set value.list = value.list + [{ "time": n.split('|')[1], "rain": ( 10** (( n.split('|')[0] | float - 109 ) / 32 )) | round(1) }] %}
{% endfor %}

{% set time = value.list | map(attribute = "time") | list | to_json %}
{% set rain = value.list | map(attribute = "rain") | list | to_json %}

{{ time.replace('"','')}}
{{ rain }}

I got the next result, 2 list array’s


Can anybody help how to go on with this result to make it work in some bar-graph?

Thanks in advance

Hi Eric,
Welcome to the topic. The problem is that https://gpsgadget.buienradar.nl/ datasource is a bit wobbly.
If you’re interested in learning: check this post.

I am currently testing new datapoints.

Kind regards,
– Ingrid

Hi Ingrid,

Thanks for your reply, I watched this post before and saw your journey on this project. But the apexcharts are a bit slow on my opinion

I must admit that https://gpsgadget.buienradar.nl/ was not stable and reliable in last November but I use it for 3 years now on a little screen. I build it based on a Raspberry Pi Zero and a Display HAT Mini from Pimoroni and it works fine for 99% of the time. But I tried to make it work in Homeassistant now but it seems a bit complicated for someone who doesn’t have a programming background.

Anyway, thanks for your reply and I’ll keep an eye on this post.

Hi everyone,

Another day, another data source.
I decided to go back to the drawing board, and rewrite the sensors with the most stable data source I could think of, the ones used by their apps. These are cdn.buienalarm.nl and graphdata.buienradar.nl.
The buienradar api was updated to version 3.0, thats why the previous sensor wasn’t working.

This is the – yet again – updated version of a two-hour forecast chart, blocks of 5 minutes. I increased the scan interval to 150 seconds = 2,5 minutes.

– Ingrid


Get the latitude and longitude of your location.

Set up sensors in your configuration.yaml file.


  • Change <lat-2-decimals> and <lon-2-decimals> to your values.
  - sensor:
      name: weather_buienalarm_minutes
      command: python3 -c "import requests; dataRequest = requests.get('https://cdn.buienalarm.nl/api/4.0/nowcast/timeseries/<lat-2-decimals>/<lon-2-decimals>',headers={'Cache-Control':'no-cache'}).text; dataRequest = dataRequest.replace('\r\n',' '); print(dataRequest);"
      unique_id: 1704013893
        - data
      value_template: "last_changed: {{states.sensor.weather_buienalarm_minutes.last_changed | default(now())}}"
      scan_interval: 150


  • Change <lat-3-decimals> and <lon-3-decimals> to your values.
  - sensor:
      name: weather_buienradar_minutes
      command: python3 -c "import requests; response = requests.get('https://graphdata.buienradar.nl/3.0/forecast/geo/RainHistoryForecast?lat=<lat-3-decimals>&lon=<lon-3-decimals>',headers={'Cache-Control':'no-cache'}).text; data = '{\"data\":'+response.replace('\r\n',' ')+'}'; print(data);"
      unique_id: 1704016555
        - data
      value_template: "last_changed: {{states.sensor.weather_buienradar_minutes.last_changed | default(now())}}"
      scan_interval: 150


To display the graph you need the ApexCharts card.

The data_generator starts with some JS removing timepoints that have already passed.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  - entity: sensor.weather_buienalarm_minutes
    name: buienalarm
    color: rgb(3, 170, 244)
    data_generator: >
      var input=entity.attributes.data;var out=[];input.map((entry,index)=>{if(new Date(entry.time)>new Date()){out.push([new Date(entry.time),entry.precipitationrate])}});return out.slice(0,22);
  - entity: sensor.weather_buienradar_minutes
    name: buienradar
    color: rgb(3, 150, 244)
    data_generator: >
      var input = entity.attributes.data.forecasts;var out=[];input.map((entry,index)=>{console.log(new Date(entry.dateTime));if(new Date(entry.dateTime)>new Date()){out.push([new Date(entry.dateTime),entry.dataValue])}});return out.slice(0,22); 
  show: true
  title: 2h precipitation forecast
  start: minute
graph_span: 2h
  stroke_width: 3
  unit: mm/u
  type: area
  opacity: 0.2
    offset_in_name: false
    height: 250px
    show: false
    tooltip: false
      show: true
      format: HH:mm
      rotate: -45
      rotateAlways: true
        fontSize: 10px
    - min: 0
      max: |
        EVAL:function (max) {
          window.chart2u_max = (Math.round(max*2)/2) + 0.5;
          return window.chart2u_max;
      tickAmount: 5
        text: rain (mm/u)
        show: true
    enabled: true
    shared: true
      show: true
      format: ddd d MMM HH:mm
      formatter: |
        EVAL:function (y) {
          return y.toFixed(1)
    position: back
      - 'y': 0.4
          text: 'EVAL:(window.chart2u_max > 0.4 ? ''Light'' : '''')'
            background: '#666'
            color: '#FFF'
        borderColor: 'EVAL:(window.chart2u_max > 0.4 ? ''#000'' : ''none'')'
      - label:
          text: 'EVAL:(window.chart2u_max > 2 ? ''Medium'' : '''')'
            background: '#666'
            color: '#FFF'
        'y': 2
        borderColor: 'EVAL:(window.chart2u_max > 2 ? ''#000'' : ''none'')'
      - label:
          text: 'EVAL:(window.chart2u_max > 5 ? ''Heavy'' : '''')'
            background: '#666'
            color: '#FFF'
        'y': 5
        borderColor: 'EVAL:(window.chart2u_max > 5 ? ''#000'' : ''none'')'
  style: |
    ha-card #graph {
      margin: 3px 10px;
    ha-card .apexcharts-canvas * {
      font-family: var(--ha-card-font-family, inherit) !important;
    ha-card #header__title {
      color: var(--ha-card-header-color, --primary-text-color);
      font-size: var(--ha-card-header-font-size, 24px);
      padding-top: 10px;
      font-weight: normal;
    ha-card .apexcharts-tooltip * {
      line-height: 0.5;
      font-size: 12px !important;
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Hi Ingrid,

Thanks for the update !!!
I think the URL in the sensor has to be:

Is there also an (3.0) update for the 24hour version?

Typo, thanks, changed it. Found another one in the annotations.
And good question, the answer is probably yes.
These will have to wait, now it’s time for champagne and ‘olliebollen’.

Hi all,

There are new data sources for the 24h sensors.
I will update the original post.

– Ingrid

Installed and looks fine.
Thanks Ingrid!