3…2…1… Backup

I noticed this evening that all of my sensors are missing data from ~4:45AM to about 11AM for today only. At around 11AM, all of my energy consumption sensors reported crazy negative numbers, which completely messed up my energy dashboard since there was no data for hours and then sensors that should never go negative were now reporting negative values.

The only changes I’ve made to environment this week was the upgrade to 2025.1 and enabled this new backup system (that fails to upload to cloud due to my backup size).

I recognize this is not a support thread, but I honestly do not even know where to begin in preparing any sort of bug filing on this. It just seems super coincidental that at the time this new backup feature starts, the recorder stopped recording sensor data…and then added significant negative numbers when recording resumed.

Since discovering this, I’ve disabled the new backup feature (I was previously using OneDrive), manually changed all of the negative values to zero at 11AM today, I’ve added several exclusions to my recorder configuration (in attempt to lower db size), and purged/repacked db. But please let me know if anyone has any pointers on what information or logs to grab to file a bug to the right place. This was a painful issue with no clear reason why or how.