The main “wrong” here is that dev’s obviously believe that backups are here for HA crash occasion only, which can’t be further away from truth. In all years of my HA existence i never had a HA crash yet (ok, call me lucky…), so i never needed a backup for this reason. But i did mess up a piece of yaml code many times, and extracting a piece of old working one from my backup saved me hundred’s of times.
For those planning to use encryption a read up of this issue is recommended.
Not only is non standard used for encryption but it also may have unwanted side effects that may put the backups at risk of corruption if I understood the issue correctly.
Comment to prove I understood it wrong is welcome!
No one gonna hack a home assistant in another country, what they gonna do? turn on my light when I’m not at home?
Now there is another layer of stupidity where I can forget the key and I essentially lost all my backup forever.
This is just pure stupid.
I also want the backup time to be configurable. I currently back up HA so that the backup is done and in a location to then be backed up by a separate computer system with all my other data (and other backups are scheduled to be done by the time the “main” backup is performed). I’m not going to change all my backup times just because HA does it later than I need.
I’ve had a TODO to explore writing an integration that does that with a git account but there are prob a fair number of hurdles. Prob an addon. But def no time right now.
Thanks this is cool but I always encrypt my backups using the Google Drive addon anyway. It is absolutely incredible and has richer functionality than even this current backup enhancement. You should check it out. (You don’t need to do cloud backups).
So I’ve dealt with the opaque encrypted issued for almost two years.
I’m hopeful they will finally add the ability to browse and single-file restore from backups. It’s really frustrating we cannot.
No I don’t want to do that, surely it is a simple matter of a programing option to be able to change the time, after all there is an option to select a day, what’s the difference, why make it difficult, what’s the point of the restriction?
It’s just a pointless thing to have set in stone
Unfortunately, I have now updated to 2025.1 and am considering a downgrade (my fault, I must have misread the release notes or understood the heading “Encrypted Backups BY DEFAULT” as an option).
Am I summarizing this correctly:
automatic backups are always encrypted?
manually initiated backups are also encrypted?
Addon Samba Backup will no longer work like this?
The time of the backup is hard-coded?
can I somehow create an automation that uses hassio.backup_full as the action and saves the unencrypted backup to a Samba share at a freely configurable time?
So the new “Backing Up into 2025!” function is on the verge of being unusable and I’m wondering what that has to do with “we listen to the users”.
wmaker, your backup observation works for me.
I will update the Core to the latest version and setup an auto backup option that way, on my Main HA system.
There is a database purge at around 4 am, and this backup is designed to run after that. So there is a point to it. But you are right, it should be movable.
Also mentioned on the other thread, I do exactly that already. First of all, I maintain a copy of the “config” directory on my laptop, which I synch up as part of my routine backups. That in turn gets copied to the NAS, so there’s always another copy there. That’s backed up off-site.
But whenever I make a significant change to a .yaml file, I first copy the “old” version off to a dedicated directory, renaming it to include the date it was last changed. So I always have archival copies I can go back to.
In other words, I have no need to ever open the backup .tar file. I also have no need for it to be encrypted, but I think we’ve beaten that issue to death already.