3 way switch with sonoff

I have been looking for a solution to this issue & found this older post. I was thinking that this might be possible with 2 sonoff minis. Have 1 set as on & the other as off for the state after a power outage. Then wire both of the inputs to the same switch in parallel so that both sonoff switch state at the same time which changes the side of circuit the active is sent to. The smart side of this would have to be made to switch both sonoffs at the same time as well. It’s just an idea I haven’t had a chance to test.

Quick note to those who might find this post in the future. Doing it the way Dr. Z is doing it. Found that sometimes the switches would go into a loop and start turning on and off like crazy. The solution was to NOT turn on the other switch but instead create a group out of those 2 way switches and toggle that. Much more reliable. Sample below.

#                                                  #
#                3 way switches automation         #
#                                                  #

- alias: Kitchen Lights On
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: state
    entity_id: group.kitchen_lights
    to: 'on'
    service: homeassistant.turn_on
    entity_id: group.kitchen_lights

- alias: Kitchen Lights Off
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: light.kitchen_light
      to: 'off'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: light.kitchen_secondary_light
      to: 'off'
    service: homeassistant.turn_off
    entity_id: group.kitchen_lights

Why not make a light group and have it actually behave like a light?

Sorry bubba, limeys just don’t speak good English :roll_eyes:, a three way switch is in fact correctly described by your American nemesis. Cheers.

We cleared up the difference between US 3 way ‘switches’ and UK 3 way ‘circuits’ two years ago, there must be a huge time difference to wherever you’re living :slight_smile:

Not working well :confused: turns on then off, then goes on a loop like crazy.

I have had the same issue due to phantom switching however I just came across @digiblur video from the last week that I think would make this alot easier except for if you have a phantom switch issue. I have not had the time to change my switches to the grouping in tasmota but it from what he shows in his video it is exactly what i was looking for back when i started this thread in 2017.

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Thanks for the reply, looks like no one wants to or knows how to to this
Will give some feedback if i can get it working.

From the video, that looks to work great. But i have a sonoff T1 2 gang that is used to control 2 other sonoffs, and device group has is implemented in tasmota would not work :frowning: