Did you use CSS mix-blend-mode: lighten?
mix-blend-mode: lighten
Did you use CSS mix-blend-mode: lighten?
mix-blend-mode: lighten
Lighten blend mode should work, if all three separate light images are overlapping they should blend. In my own setup I had overlapping lights as well.
Quick update - I’ve been totally working on other projects these past few years so sorry for being MIA! great to see this thread is still alive and well.
I did just buy a new house so maybe I will update all of this in the process and create something new here.
same thing here, after upgrading HA. did you figure it out?
No. I didn’t solve the problem
Wondering if anyone has had any issues with the color of their lights on the floor plan, not matching what the actual color is? I would say it’s sort of in the realm of the color, but not matching - a solid blue color light shows as purple on my floor plan, and a yellow light has a green cast to it.
I have the same issue.
I use Tradfri bulbs and HA dev toolkit says the supported color mode is xy_color. Maybe this has something to do with it?
If I’m correct it has something to do with the type of colored LEDs inside the bulb. Philips hue for instance is caplable of showing way more colors on the bulb it self. But I can’t get the “css Filter” example to work with xy_color mode…
Any help?
Has anyone got this hs_color filter problem working yet???