433mhz, infrared IR to and from MQTT on ESP8266

Try to go to a minimalist approach in this case, put only your IR emitter or a normal led and upload a sample sketch and see if you see your led blinking.
Try also in another board

I just changed the board - same - I try with sketch

oo yee skectch is working - little LED blinking on IR Transmitter module, and I left the IR Receiver module as well powered and on the module blinking little red LED as well which means that it takes same signal.

but - what’s next ?

what is the pin config on your irremote sketch?

on GPIO pin (D2) like in sketch by default - ok I change it to PIN16 and see what happens

yes it’s works on PIN 16 as well

Can I change the sketch with my LED remote info
home/IRtoMQTT/protocol 3
home/IRtoMQTT/bits 32
home/IRtoMQTT 16712445

and see - that the LED command ( on/off) works in sketch on not ?

yes but you don’t need to change the sketch, all the infos are into the wiki

little help :wink: or some directional or seems that the module itself works, but not with MQTT gateway ;(

Good day, looking for some help. I flashed the Sonoff RF Bridge and can see the gateway reporting as follows:

pi@hassbian:~ $ sudo mosquitto_sub -u username -P password -t home/# -v
home/OpenMQTTGateway/LWT Online
home/OpenMQTTGateway/version 0.5

However, when I activate some door sensors I get nothing. I tried with some Telldus 433 sensors and got nothing. Then tried with the sonoff door sensors and I see the RF red light on the bridge flashing, but I still see nothing on the console.

Any guidance is much appreciated.

And I still don’t get my senders to work :confused:
I changed on the sketch - in the loop where is NEC irsend and but my number
void loop() {
irsend.sendNEC(16712445, 32);

and now the sketch switching my led on and off, but I still don’t get to work in MQTT gateway

Could you post the command you are sending ti the broker and what you see in the serial monitor ?

With MQTT Gateway the same -

from terminal in the raspberry I send
mosquitto_pub -h -p 1883 -u user -P pass -t home/commands/MQTTtoIR -m 16712445
because without the login
mosquitto_pub -t home/commands/MQTTto433 -m 1315156
says the authentic problem –
in MQTT monitoring I show the command coming IN
home/command/MQTTtoIR/ 16712445

but from serial monitor windows is empty like nothing is coming in

If you see in your mqtt monitoring
home/command/MQTTtoIR/ 16712445

It is more likely you sent with a command with a slash at the end of the subject that should not be. Are you sure you are sending
mosquitto_pub -h -p 1883 -u user -P pass -t home/commands/MQTTtoIR -m 16712445

and not:
mosquitto_pub -h -p 1883 -u user -P pass -t home/commands/MQTTtoIR/ -m 16712445

When I send
mosquitto_pub -h -p 1883 -u user -P pass -t home/commands/MQTTtoIR -m 16712445
MQTT= home/command/MQTTtoIR 16712445

When I send
mosquitto_pub -h -p 1883 -u user -P pass -t home/commands/MQTTtoIR/ -m 16712445
MQTT = home/command/MQTTtoIR/ 16712445

hmm, try maybe with

mosquitto_pub -p 1883 -u user -P pass -t home/commands/IR_NEC -m 16712445

And see if it process it on the serial monitor.

If not please paste a screenshot of what you see on the serial monitor and on mosquitto.

More info here in case you have not seen it

First when I plug the NOD and serial monitor shows all connecting
OpenMQTTGateway mac:
OpenMQTTGateway ip:
WiFi ok
MQTT connection…
Connected to broker
Subscription OK to the subjects

after that I testing IR reader and press the LED remote on/off

Rcv. IR
Adv data IRtoMQTT
Sending IRtoMQTT
Hey I got a callback 
Storing signal
Min ind: 
store code :
Col: val/timestamp
Data stored

mosquitto_sub from terminal shows

home/OpenMQTTGateway/LWT Online
home/IRtoMQTT/protocol 3
home/IRtoMQTT/bits 32
home/IRtoMQTT 16712445

now I try send from terminal command
mosquitto_pub -h -p 1883 -u user -P pass -t home/commands/MQTTtoIR -m 16712445
serial - is empty
mosquitto terminal
home/commands/MQTTtoIR 16712445

I send
mosquitto_pub -h -p 1883 -u user -P pass -t home/commands/MQTTtoIR/ -m 16712445
serial still nothing
home/commands/MQTTtoIR/ 16712445

and your example
mosquitto_pub -p 1883 -u user -P pass -t home/commands/IR_NEC -m 16712445

that’s command don’t works without mosquitto_pub “-h”
when use this with -h the serial still nothing and mosquito terminal
home/commands/IR_NEC 16712445

seems that commands don’t going out – they don’t send trough GPIO16 port :confused

Could you shre me your ir config and user config without credentials please

Actually all conf is like by default

user_conf.yaml (5.5 KB)

here is my user con I renamed it with yaml prefix ) it’s only way to uload the file

IR_config.yaml (3.0 KB)

and IR config as well

As a first approach for debugging I suggest to comment:

  #define ZgatewayRF
  #include "config_RF.h"
  #define ZgatewayBT
  #include "config_BT.h"

But the most important thing is that you changed home to home2:


  #define subjectMQTTtoX "home2/commands/#"

In this case you should put home2 in your mosquitto commands.