433mhz, infrared IR to and from MQTT on ESP8266

could you deactivate first the IR and BT gateway as you don’t need them for the moment.

Could you try to connect your receiver with D2 (and put 4 in config_RF.h for RF_RECEIVER_PIN)

connected and done as per your suggestion

form serial monitor

WiFi ok with manual config credentials
OpenMQTTGateway mac:
OpenMQTTGateway ip:
Connecting to MQTT by IP adress
ZgatewayRF setup done
MQTT connection…
Connected to broker
Subscription OK to the subjects
Uptime (s)
Remaining memory
Jay Ambe 1
Activated modules

cant even get subscription address on serial monitor

not receiving any rf codes through mqtt or cant decode any remote codes.
i get codes from one terminal from which i publish
-t /home/nodemcu/MQTTto433/ -m 1315156
on another terminal which was subscribed to /home/nodemcu/#

I am uploading code with 115200 and watching serial monitor with 115200

could you check that your receiver and emitter are well powered with a multimeter?

yes i already checked it, it is was fluctuating when i was using with breaboard, but when i plugged in direct it suppplies constant power,

I would like to know,

  1. would i get mqtt messages on my nodecmu? I cant get any mqtt messages on my serial monitor,( which i am not getting when i pub message from terminal)
  2. do i need to enter my mqtt clientid?

Please guide

Dear, Please guide
i dont receive any mqtt messages on my nodemcu connected to serial monitor,
Please guide me
thanks in adv

my config
#define Gateway_Name “OpenMQTTGateway”
#define Base_Topic “/home/nodemcu/”
#define version_Topic Base_Topic Gateway_Name “/version”
#define will_Topic Base_Topic Gateway_Name “/LWT”
#define will_QoS 0
#define will_Retain true
#define will_Message “Offline”
#define Gateway_AnnouncementMsg “Online”

when i subscribe with this
mosquitto_sub -u () -P () -t +/# -v
i get
/home/nodemcu/OpenMQTTGateway/LWT Online
/home/nodemcu/OpenMQTTGateway/version 0.8beta
but i cant send any commands nor receive.

Please guide me thanks

now help stopped,
well can somebody help me here
i would like to fresh start,
I was uploading wemos nodemcu v3 with follwing option

Please check the pic
Is this settings correct?

Today i got success in sending mqtt message to my board with following topic,
and while subscribing back with topic
i was able to get messages bact to my terminal.
I would like to send command from my serial monitor to my Mosquitto
i published from my termianal 1
mosquitto_pub -u () -P () -t home/nodemcu/OpenMQTTGateway/commands/MQTTto433 -m hello
i subscribed on terminal 2 with
mosquitto_sub -u () -P () -t home/nodemcu/OpenMQTTGateway/433toMQTT
i received
this is what it shows in serial monitor

can you please guide me how to check that,
and one more thing,
I would like to change my rf receiver as i think it is not proper,
ca you suggest me what should i buy for decoding and than sending the same for my above mention geeckreit 433 12v 4ch relay switch module.
Please guide thanks in adv.
waiting for you guidance


First if you are using the RF gateway only you should deactivate BT and IR gateway as stated in the wiki

With the setup you have you should be able to receive signals from your RF remote control as stated in the troubleshooting section you should first try with basic examples provided with rcswitch library and see if you see codes when you press the remote control.

right now i can only say no,
i am still testing all pins of my nodemcu,
one thing is sure i am unable to decode codes from my geekcreti 12v 4ch 433 relay module.

i can transmit mqtt messages from pc to nodemcu,how to send messages from board to mqtt, just want to check,
as i have received my srx882 today i will test it today after soldering parts,
do you recommend any special things while soldering?
thanks for your precious time

I am unable to decode codes,

i am able to get signals from muy remote as well as rf433 transmitter.

dont know what is the problem?

Can someone tell me what is the state topic to subscribe in HA? I tried everything in my binary sensor. I see this in the serial monitor.

Activated modules
Rcv. RF
Adv data RFtoMQTT
Sending RFtoMQTT
Hey I got a callback
Storing signal
Min ind:
store code :

what nodemcu and rf reciever and transmitter are you using/
Please suggest
and have u changed any code?

I am using this nodemcu.

The only things i changed in code is in the user_config.h.

  1. wifi connections
  2. Uncommented #define ESPWifiManualSetup true
  3. Uncommented #define ZgatewayRF “RF”

Did you subscribed to :
sudo mosquitto_sub -t +/# -v
So as to see on which topic your gateway is publishing ?

Could you be more accurate please

Could you be more explicit please, what do you mean by getting signals ?

Please guide
i am using srx882 and nodemcu,
i am trying with receivedemo_advanced example. where i am getting constant codes without pressing any button of my remote.
Please guide
following are codes which i am getting

⸮)Decimal: 47 (6Bit) Binary: 101111 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 5 microseconds Protocol: 0
Raw data: 6140,31,5,5,5,6,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,

Decimal: 127 (7Bit) Binary: 1111111 Tri-State: 111 PulseLength: 5 microseconds Protocol: 0
Raw data: 5204,19,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,

Decimal: 63 (6Bit) Binary: 111111 Tri-State: 111 PulseLength: 5 microseconds Protocol: 0
Raw data: 5907,24,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,

Decimal: 31 (5Bit) Binary: 11111 Tri-State: 11 PulseLength: 5 microseconds Protocol: 0
Raw data: 5860,28,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,

Decimal: 63 (6Bit) Binary: 111111 Tri-State: 111 PulseLength: 5 microseconds Protocol: 0
Raw data: 5975,59,7,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,

and with generic rf433 receiver

Decimal: 222 (8Bit) Binary: 11011110 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 24 microseconds Protocol: 0
Raw data: 4860,71,9,5,19,5,9,95,28,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,

Decimal: 15 (4Bit) Binary: 1111 Tri-State: 11 PulseLength: 5 microseconds Protocol: 0
Raw data: 5140,152,71,5,38,23,6,24,8,

Decimal: 31 (5Bit) Binary: 11111 Tri-State: 11 PulseLength: 5 microseconds Protocol: 0
Raw data: 5147,167,23,14,23,5,5,10,10,9,5,

and more like this

Please guide me to get my problem solved
I am using Geekcreit 12v 4ch relay switch rf 433

If you are getting codes. Without pressing buttons there is two possibilites,
You ve made wiring mistakes or your environment is saturated by RF signals.
Could you send pictures of your setup so as ti check possibility one ?

This is my hardware setup,

Maybe a bigger picture should have been more efficient. Nevertheless to what are connected the purple and pink cable ?

Purple to ground and pink to 5v.
Actually pink is red colour connected to 5v and purple is light grey colour connected to ground.
I am using mobile charger with output of 5v 1amp

Do you think theres any distribution,
How can I solve it?