I’m looking to utilize some cheap 433Mhz sensors. This is my first foray into the 433Mhz world.
I just picked up a Sonoff RF Bridge, which after soldering changes (it’s the new 2.2 version) is running ESPHome. It is working.
My primary project at the moment is for door and window sensors. I have one of these door sensors for testing. It supports both open and close codes, which is good. I can see the RC_Switch Raw code on the RF Bridge via ESPHome logs, e.g the open code:
Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=1 data='111100100010000000001010'
And the closed code, which is different:
Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=1 data='111100100010000000001110'
A newbie question: how does one deal with multiple 433mhz door/window sensors? Does each device send a unique code somehow, so you can identify which door/window is open and closed? I anticipate I’ll have several of these around and want to make sure how this will work before going all-in on the solution.
Thanks in advance!