5inch display ILI6122 & ILI5960 need help to add it to ESPHome

Hi Radon240 Maxim and cotthemh Herwig
my display works fine.

The problem may be in the parameter settings in elecrow-esp32-s3-tft-50.ini
In the original libraries “LovyanGFX Library” and “Ardunio_GFX Library” Bus Settings, when I searched for the background of connecting the display and the touchpad, there are different values.
I would try to compile openHASP with this other values.

    ; Panel Settings ILI6122/LI5960
    -D TFT_WIDTH=800            ;800 /* width */,
    -D TFT_HEIGHT=480           ;480 /* height */, 

    -D TFT_HSYNC_POLARITY=0     ;0 /* hsync_polarity */,
    -D TFT_HSYNC_FRONT_PORCH=8  ;8 /* hsync_front_porch */, 
    -D TFT_HSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH=1  ;???Pio_4 /* hsync_pulse_width */ ???Ard_1 /* hsync_pulse_width */,
    -D TFT_HSYNC_BACK_PORCH=32  ;???Pio_43 /* hsync_back_porch */,???Ard_32 /* hsync_back_porch */,    
    -D TFT_VSYNC_POLARITY=0     ;0 /* vsync_polarity */,
    -D TFT_VSYNC_FRONT_PORCH=8  ;8 /* vsync_front_porch */,  
    -D TFT_VSYNC_PULSE_WIDTH=1  ;???Pio_4 /* vsync_pulse_width */ ???Ard_1 /* vsync_pulse_width */,   
    -D TFT_VSYNC_BACK_PORCH=8   ;Pio_12 /* vsync_back_porch */ ???Ard_ 8 /* vsync_back_porch */,   
    -D TFT_PCLK_ACTIVE_NEG=1    ;1 /* pclk_active_neg */,
    -D TFT_PREFER_SPEED=16000000  ;16000000 /* prefer_speed */
    -D TFT_AUTO_FLUSH=1         ;true /* auto_flush */

???Pio_x value is from PlatformIO Elecrow demo projects.
???Ard_x value is from Arduino Elecrow demo projects.
I did not deal with the values in more detail, because my display worked well the first time.

Here is a link to a modified download of the zipped openHASP project

modified openHASP v0.7.0 project

elecrow-s3-8048c050-ota-v0-7-0-rc8-6cf4262.bin file

Try my bin. openHASP version is v0.7.0

Hello everyone,
I saw that ESPHome has just added the driver:

Has anyone tried with an Elecrow ESP?

Elecrow 7inch ( not 5inch ) added to openHASP.
For those who want to try, it’s the Crowpanel 7" model on the openHASP Nightly page.


I’ve update by OTA, from 0.7.0-rc8 to 0.7.0-rc12 version. It’s good.
If you have any issues, report them on this issue CrowPanel 7 Inch support. · Issue #684 · HASwitchPlate/openHASP · GitHub

for those who have the 5 inch model, it has been added and will be available in the next release. :wink:
Thank to marsman7.