I originally had the problem that it was giving me Unknown for the state but quickly worked out it was the breaking change from min/max to daytime_high/overnight_low
But I can’t work out the days. They just stay as this:
I understand it’s probably because of a breaking change associated with dark_sky_friendly_names.py but not sure what exactly
This is the code in the python script
# Author: Alok R. Saboo
# Description: This script takes the dark_sky forecast sensors and updates
# their friendly_name to include the date and day.
# https://github.com/arsaboo/homeassistant-config/blob/master/packages/weather.yaml
dark_sky_entities = ["sensor.forecast_1", "sensor.forecast_2", "sensor.forecast_3",
"sensor.forecast_4", "sensor.forecast_5", "sensor.forecast_6",
days = ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]
triggeredEntity = data.get('entity_id')
# logger.warning("trigger is {}".format(triggeredEntity))
now = datetime.datetime.now()
today = now.weekday()
if triggeredEntity is None:
for entity_id in dark_sky_entities:
# copy it's state
state = hass.states.get(entity_id)
newState = state.state
forecastdays = int(entity_id.split('_')[1])
day = datetime.timedelta(days = forecastdays)
forecastdate = now + day
newEntityPicture = state.attributes.get('icon')
if today + forecastdays > 6:
newDay = days[today + forecastdays - 7]
newDay = days[today + forecastdays]
# Set states
hass.states.set(entity_id, newState, {
'friendly_name': "{} ({}/{})".format(newDay, forecastdate.month, forecastdate.day),
'icon': newEntityPicture,
state = hass.states.get(triggeredEntity)
newState = state.state
forecastdays = int(triggeredEntity.split('_')[1])
day = datetime.timedelta(days = forecastdays)
forecastdate = now + day
newEntityPicture = state.attributes.get('icon')
if today + forecastdays > 6:
newDay = days[today + forecastdays - 7]
newDay = days[today + forecastdays]
# Set states
hass.states.set(triggeredEntity, newState, {
'friendly_name': "{} ({}/{})".format(newDay, forecastdate.month, forecastdate.day),
'icon': newEntityPicture,