A Garbage Day automation using Google Calendar and pre-warning that actually works

this better:

- platform: template



        friendly_name: 'garbage_day'

        icon_template: >

        {% if is_state('binary_sensor.garbage_day', 'on') %}


        {% else %}


        {% endif %}

      # sensors need their entities declared, so they can watch them

      # using sensor.date_time (or sensor.time) makes it update every minute


        - sensor.date_time

        - calendar.garbage_day

      # ON 7 hours (25200s) before all_day event = 17:00 the day before, and OFF at 17:00 on the day,

      # or 1 hour (3600s) before normal event (Problemmüll)

      # CAREFUL: Binary sensors need true/false as input, NOT UI niceties like on/off or the like!

      value_template: >-

        {% set calendar = 'calendar.problemmuell' %}

        {% set start = state_attr(calendar,'start_time') %}

        {# Prevent error when no calendar event (we won't have a start_time then) #}

        {% if start != None %}

          {% set now = now().timestamp() %}

          {% set start = as_timestamp(start) %}

          {% set end = as_timestamp(state_attr(calendar,'end_time')) %}

          {% if now < end %}

            {% if state_attr(calendar,'all_day') %}

              {{ now < end - 25200 and start - now < 25200 }}

            {% else %}

              {{ start - now < 3600 }}

            {% endif %}

          {% else %}


          {% endif %}

        {% else %}


        {% endif %}

Hi Silvrav: You can still create the file google_calendars.yaml and it will work as explained here.