Boggles my mind why anyone would mess with python.
docker-compose up -d
. Done.
Updating is easy.
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
So dang easy.
What’s funny is not EVER having to deal with dependencies…
Boggles my mind why anyone would mess with python.
docker-compose up -d
. Done.
Updating is easy.
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
So dang easy.
What’s funny is not EVER having to deal with dependencies…
Not having to mess with any dependencies is a godsend.
I’m not sure if this is exactly the right place to ask but it is definitely connected and the right people are certainly reading and contributing
I recently moved to NUC/Ubuntu/Docker/Portainer and now I think I have a basic understanding of how it all works and hangs together
So now I can turn my attention to some ‘disaster management’! (Environment rather than data. I have a good and proven data backup regime).
Can someone describe how to install a new and separate HA container? I mean, I think I know but it feels like something which could go wrong if I don’t do it properly. As a bonus, I am not only thinking of disaster recovery here but also the possibility to have separate instance to use for testing - but that would be a ‘nice to have’.
The usual way to run in docker is, per the docs,
docker run --init -d --name="home-assistant" -e "TZ=America/New_York" -v /PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG:/config --net=host homeassistant/home-assistant:stable
However that will probably conflict with your running HA, both as to name, and both wanting to run on port 8123, so try
docker run --init -d --name="HA-experimental" -e "TZ=America/New_York" -v /PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG:/config -p 8123:8124 homeassistant/home-assistant:stable
Obviously substitute your own timezone.
PS you can either run the same config on both containers, or you can run different ones, in which case use a different /PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG
That’s great, thank you.
Except there is a certain Irony/Paradox/Catch22 when I see you use the word ‘try’ when I am concerned about messing things up creating a disaster recovery routine while trying to create a disaster recovery routine!
But joking aside, thanks again.
I take your use of the word ‘try’ in this context not to mean ‘because it might not work’ but ‘do this instead’!!