Could you please help me or share the config?
I am stucked here:
Nov 08 08:56:46 assistant run[3769]: INFO:root:Ready
Nov 08 08:56:46 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Detected IP:
Nov 08 08:56:46 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Zeroconf discovery enabled (name=dca6328950b2, host=None)
Nov 08 08:56:46 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Connecting to mic service: ['arecord', '-D', 'plughw:CARD=seeed2micvoicec,DEV=0', '-q', '-r', '16000', '-c', '1', '-f', 'S16_LE', '-t', 'raw']
Nov 08 08:56:46 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Connecting to snd service: ['aplay', '-D', 'plughw:CARD=seeed2micvoicec,DEV=0', '-q', '-r', '22050', '-c', '1', '-f', 'S16_LE', '-t', 'raw']
Nov 08 08:56:46 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Connecting to wake service: tcp://
Nov 08 08:56:46 assistant run[3769]: INFO:root:Connected to services
Nov 08 08:56:46 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Using webrtc audio enhancements
Nov 08 08:56:46 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Connected to mic service
Nov 08 08:56:46 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Connected to wake service
Nov 08 08:56:58 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Server set: 70639530781646
Nov 08 08:56:58 assistant run[3769]: INFO:root:Connected to server
Nov 08 08:56:58 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Running ['examples/commands/']
Nov 08 08:56:58 assistant run[3783]: Audio streaming to server has stopped
Nov 08 08:56:58 assistant run[3769]: INFO:root:Waiting for wake word
Nov 08 08:56:58 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Started recording to /home/hass/wyoming-satellite/local/debug-recording/70639535185675-wake.wav
Nov 08 08:57:00 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Ping enabled
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Stopped recording to /home/hass/wyoming-satellite/local/debug-recording/70639535185675-wake.wav
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Started recording to /home/hass/wyoming-satellite/local/debug-recording/70639535185675-stt.wav
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Detection(name='ok_nabu_v0.1', timestamp=70740442340518, speaker=None)
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Streaming audio
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Event(type='run-pipeline', data={'start_stage': 'asr', 'end_stage': 'tts', 'restart_on_end': False, 'snd_format': {'rate': 22050, 'width': 2, 'channels': 1}}, payload=None)
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Running ['examples/commands/']
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3789]: Wake word detected: ok_nabu_v0.1
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Muting microphone for 0.8995918367346939 second(s)
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Running ['examples/commands/']
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3792]: Audio streaming to server has started
Nov 08 08:58:39 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Connected to snd service
Nov 08 08:58:40 assistant run[3769]: DEBUG:root:Unmuted microphone
my config:
Description=Wyoming Satellite
ExecStart=/home/hass/wyoming-satellite/script/run \
--name 'Assist' \
--uri 'tcp://' \
--mic-command 'arecord -D plughw:CARD=seeed2micvoicec,DEV=0 -q -r 16000 -c 1 -f S16_LE -t raw' \
--snd-command 'aplay -D plughw:CARD=seeed2micvoicec,DEV=0 -q -r 22050 -c 1 -f S16_LE -t raw' \
--awake-wav '/home/hass/wyoming-satellite/sounds/awake.wav' \
--done-wav '/home/hass/wyoming-satellite/sounds/done.wav' \
--timer-finished-wav '/home/hass/wyoming-satellite/sounds/done.wav' \
--mic-noise-suppression 2 \
--mic-auto-gain 5 \
--wake-uri 'tcp://' \
--wake-word-name 'ok_nabu' \
--debug \
--debug-recording-dir '/home/hass/wyoming-satellite/local/debug-recording' \
# --mic-seconds-to-mute-after-awake-wav 0.1 \
--wake-refractory-seconds 10 \
--tts-stop-command 'true' \
--detection-command 'examples/commands/' \
--startup-command 'examples/commands/' \
--streaming-start-command 'examples/commands/' \
--streaming-stop-command 'examples/commands/' \
--synthesize-command 'examples/commands/' \
--stt-start-command 'examples/commands/' \
--stt-stop-command 'examples/commands/' \
--tts-start-command 'examples/commands/' \
--tts-stop-command 'examples/commands/'
# --event-uri tcp://
Even if on the satellite there is the degub message “Audio streaming to server has started” in HA I still cant see the “assist in progress”… (but the mute button is working)