Accessing IoT Devices on a different subnet?

Is is possible to monitor multiple networks? I have my home assistant on 192.168.0.xx. I want to install a secondary router to network, but not sure how to get HA to see my divces in there.

Is there a way to tell HA to look within, too?

I have WeMo plug configured on, but HA isn’t seeing it.

If it relies on discovery, not without a whole lot of hackery. You would need an mdns broadcast across the subnets.
But if you manually specify IP addresses of things it works just fine. Every switch, bulb, camera, etc in my house is on a separate subnet.

Well, your devices in 192.168.0.x don’t know how to route to that subnet. You need to set that up in your router.

I will say that adding in routers isn’t the appropriate way to setup a network. VLANs, Access Points, a proper switch and router are the way to go.

You have two options:

  1. Put a second NIC in your HA box that is on the subnet, it will then have a direct route to that second subnet and everything will work fine (I’m doing this).
  2. On your existing router configure a second NIC (or a second VLAN), then enable mDNS broadcasting across both networks / VLANs.

My question is…why would you have to add a second router? How did you end up with two different subnets on the same network? How does the WeMo route to the Internet today? through what?

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Thanks, guys. @flamingm0e got me realizing I could just do an AP with this router, so I’ve went with that. So far, so good.

The reason for splitting is just connectivity issues - lots of timeouts, troubles with network connections to the original router (CenturyLink - zyxel c3000z). I’ve set up my R7000 router as an AP now to see if offloading some IoT devices fixes the timeout issues I’ve been having. It’s been running for half a day now – so far so good.

We have, probably, a good 20+ wifi devices (including laptops. phones, etc) all connecting to the same router. It seems that router has been having trouble with so many devices.

So, I recently got a new UDM (Unifi Dream Machine). I’ve actually done both of these, but it does still have trouble seeing my TPLink devices. Any advice?

My HA unit has a NIC at and a Virtual NIC configured at for IoT. All my devices are within IoT, HA is within LAN.


+1 here too. Kasa devices no longer being seen.

Had the same problem, switched to all unifi APs and have a dedicated controller on a different device. I was able to get it all working again by,

  1. Changed the order of the IPs in the tp-link config in my configuration file.
  2. Went into the unifi controller and looked up each device by the Mac made sure the IP was right and gave it a specific alias.
  3. Updated my unifi controller, made sure it latest version.
    Restarted my unifi container, then rebooted hassio
    Everything popped back to where it was supposed to be and hasn’t dropped off.
    I have all of my IoT stuff on a separate vlan with restrictions so they’re only local and can’t be reached from outside and can’t send anything outside.
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Michael, would you be able to give more detail on how you set up your Kasa devices? I have tried adding them by IP address to my configuration.yaml file as explained on the Tp-Link integration page but I don’t know where to go from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I know that I’m replying to an old thread but really interested in knowing how to set up a second nic in my HA box. I have my HA server in a RPI4, so of course I have the wifi unused up to now, but don’t know how to start using it.
Do you know?

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Yep, to enable the WiFi in your RPi, it’ll ultimately depend on what OS you’re running on it.
However, you can look here:

That’s for a fresh installation, here’s RPI OS:

Ultimately, here’s the quick’n’dirty method over an SSH session:

Hope this helps.

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