My bad, and then I agree with @gjohansson to not have this data…and why?..because for my location they are always wrong (off a lot ) and I have a pluviometer to provide proper data. I am only interested in future stuff
The trick is not to think the PrecipitationSummary.Past6Hours as history, but as accumulated rain !! This is why we cannot use history, because it’s almost always wrong.
By the way, it has been reaining all the morning today and the value reported by HASS AccuWeather integration is different from the one I can get from AccuWeather server. HASS reports 0 ?? I guess it might be due to the refresh time and the location?
For the location in the web I use a unique ID, which I don’t know wether it makes the data more precise than the coordinates?
These are the most relevant values in “PrecipitationSummary” right now for my location:
Precipitation = 2.3
PastHour = 0.5
Past6Hours = 2.6
Past12Hours = 10.9
I’m convinced that we cannot cannot use the history because it will be always wrong and the past1Hour is quite useless… Definitely it would be nice to have longer period data…
I’m not sure what PrecipitationSummary.Precipitation reports? But the value is high and seems to be more precise, at least much more than PastHour which tends to be wrond, maybe because of refresh rates from both AccuWeather server and HASS?
If possible, my opinion is to integrate these 4 previous values ?
What do you think?
Many thanks!
It seems to me you should report an issue if HA reports 0 but your own api calls directly tells you something different (but as you say it could also be a lag waiting for an update but seems a bit odd maybe).
Anyhow I could think there could be a service to get the historical data but to implement them as sensors directly seems quite unnecessary. I would see the benefit of a service (likewise there is already one for forecast)
@gjohansson I insist taht implementing a service might not only be cumbersome, but quite inaccurate…
And as the data would be same as a sensor I would not understand why it would be inaccurate but I guess you think a service (action nowadays) would be something else than what it is.
Sure an action is not as easy as a simple sensor but flooding with sensors to get all the data is not a good solution either…
@gjohansson I tried to explain why the accumulated data of the sensor is much more accurate than the history of the same sensor. Becuse the errors are corrected by the accumulated data provided by AccuWeather !!